Conexão de Ideias


Quem nunca ficou se perguntando como as coisas funcionam? Quem nunca teve curiosidade de saber como é realmente a profissão que vc gostaria de seguir? Será que investimentos realmente valem a pena? Existem ferramentas ou metodologias que podem nos ajudar no dia a dia ou em nossa trabalho? Aqui no Conexão de Ideias vamos falar de tudo isso e muito mais, descobrir essas ideias e discutir com pessoas que realmente entendem do assunto. Instagram: @conexao_ideias @lhalves92 @roldan_fe



Hi, I'm Darren. Welcome to my vlog. I will be sharing my adventures at home and abroad, my goal is to see and experience as much of the world as possible. I also have a disability (Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia) so some of what I do here will be facing the challenges this sets me, and hopefully showing how I overcome them. Along the way I hope to inspire others to go out and see new places, face fears and challenges, try new things, and most importantly live life to the full! So please join me on my travels and see what we find along the way, I'm sure it will be an adventure.

Quran Recitation with scrolling text & more


Welcome to “Quran Recitation with scrolling text” Channel – The Home of Beautiful Quran Recitations. Experience the beauty of the Holy Quran through scrolling Quran recitation with HD Arabic text and color-coded Tajweed text. Our videos feature the best Quran recitations with scrolling text, making it easier to read along and immerse yourself in the divine words. What You’ll Find Here: • Quran scrolling recitation with clear and elegant Arabic text. • Scrolling Quran Tilawat with color-coded Tajweed text for better pronunciation. • Beautiful Quran recitations by renowned Qaris like Khalifa Tunaiji & Ahmed Muhammad Amer. • All 114 Chapters of the Quran Al-Kareem. • High-quality Quran recitation videos to soothe your soul Subscribe now and let the words of the Quran bring peace and guidance to your heart. Ameen مرحبًا بكم في قناة "تلاوة القرآن مع النص المتحرك" – موطن التلاوات القرآنية الجميلة. ✨ استمتعوا بجمال القرآن الكريم من خلال تلاوة القرآن مع نص عربي بجودة HD ونص تجويد ملوّن. تقدم مقاطع الفيديو لدينا أفضل تلاوات القرآن مع نص متحرك، مما يسهل عليكم المتابعة والتدبر في كلام الله تعالى. 📖 ما الذي ستجدونه هنا؟ ✔️ تلاوة القرآن المتحركة بنص عربي واضح وأنيق. ✔️ تلاوة القرآن المتحركة مع نص تجويد ملوّن لتحسين النطق والتلاوة. ✔️ تلاوات قرآنية رائعة بأصوات قراء مشهورين مثل الخليفة الطنيجي وأحمد محمد عامر. ✔️ جميع سور القرآن الكريم الـ 114 متاحة للاستماع والتدبر. ✔️ مقاطع فيديو عالية الجودة لتلاوة القرآن تهدئ القلب وتبعث الطمأنينة. 📢 اشترك الآن ودع كلمات القرآن تنير قلبك بالسلام والهداية. آمين 🤲💖 🌟 Check Out My Other Channels! 🌟 I have four more channels dedicated to the authentic hadiths and life lessons of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, available in both English and Arabic without repetition. 📌 English Channels: 1: Life Quotes of the Prophet ﷺ – Inspirational sayings and wisdom. 🔗 2: Gems of the Last Prophet ﷺ – Authentic hadiths from the Prophet. 🔗 📌 Arabic Channels: 3: Life Quotes of the Prophet ﷺ (اِقْتِبَاسَاتٌ مِنْ حَيَاةِ الْأَنْبِيَاءِ) – Prophet’s wisdom in Arabic. 🔗 4: Gems of the Last Prophet ﷺ (جَوَاهِرُ آخِرِ الْأَنْبِيَاءِ) – Authentic hadiths in Arabic. 🔗 🔔 Subscribe and explore the wisdom of the Prophet ﷺ in both languages!



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