3 FollowersRandomOfNowhere - Tinkering
2 FollowersTinkering with anything I've got around, wood turning, laying stone, digging dirt, maybe a bit of mad science now and then. This content is mostly made from inside the partial rotten wood shed I use as a workshop.
2 Followerscadthinkers
2 Followerstinkertimefarms
2 FollowersBadthinker
2 FollowersHello 👋 friends My channel badthinker Please support 🙏 ❤️
Exipure - Sincere Reviews
2 FollowersThe Van Gogh of linear thinking
2 FollowersStories
2 FollowersStory time with tink
2 Followersこのご時世、さまざまな情報が流れる中、できる限りの努力で個人個人が真実を探求していかないえればならないサバイバル状況な気がしてなりません。 そんな中、ただ答えを出すのではなく、感じ、考えることが何より大切だと思います。 「毎日忙しいくて、あまり余計なことは考える余裕がない」と感じ、一つの情報だけ、もしくは権威性のある一般的に流れてくる情報のみに耳を傾け、知らないうちにそれを信じ、一般常識だと思って過ごしている方もいらっしゃるかと思います。 ですが、常識を疑い、自分自身で情報精査をし、よく噛んで消化することは必要だと思います。 私のTwitterや動画で少しでも違った視点から物事が見えるようなインスピレーションが与えられたら幸いです。 自分軸をもって、自分の直感を大切にして、違和感を感じたら調べるくらいでいいと思います。 少しでも多くの人が直感を大事にし、調べる、考えることを始めてくれたら幸いです。 ※私はこれが正しい!というようなことは決して言っていません。私の視点、観点、考察をシェアしているだけなので、反対意見や、違和感などがあって当然だと思っています。 ただ、一人の意見として聴いていただき、ご自身の考えや気持ちに向き合っていただければ本望です! 🟩【Thinkers’ チャンネル公式】🟩 💚Website💚: 💚YouTube💚: 💚TikTok💚:@thinkers_channel 💚Twitter💚:
the uneducated thinker
2 Followersa channel to mock stuff and maybe debate it while it there. starting from zero going who knows where. i have little education essentially a techy luddite and big plans and challenges because why not. join me as we journey into the minefield that is talking 🤞
2 FollowersTinkerbitch
2 FollowersMysteriousThinkers
2 FollowersMaking Video That You Imagine
2 FollowersMonthly documentaries about unknown and interesting topics. 👇Please consider donating👇 Bitcoin:1NMCvdNBNDKq4zkJnpio2LFCd39qZnPJJB Ethereum:0x677921eDCb92698A4F9efE68372B0F891F46B40f PayPal: cashapp: $PredatorPoachers1 ❤️Thank You for Your Support! ❤️
A Kreative Teaching + A Kreativer Learner = A Kreative Thinker
2 FollowersTheFreeThinker
2 FollowersTinkerers
2 Followers360Thinker
2 FollowersTinkeringWithAaron
2 FollowersThinkerzRUS
2 FollowersIncoherentThinker
2 FollowersMichaelTinkerPearce
2 FollowersBeAFreeThinker24
2 FollowersCommonThinker777
2 FollowersScotsThinker
1 FollowerI have made a Rumble Account to spread my influence and to support other channels.
1 FollowerCanal voltado para ponderações históricas e teológicas sobre a realidade.
1 Followerhingedthinker
1 FollowerThinking it through to true.
1 FollowerThinking out-of-the-box, a little in-the-box, and about every kind of topic. Informed, heavily researched, hard-won wisdom, and wrestled with subject matter and concepts. Everything from hair dyes to harrowing tyrannies to holy archeology to arcane and mystical happenings. Seeking the true.
Professional tinkering
1 FollowerBuilding, repairng, and modifying things. Dabbling in things from small electonics to vintage cars.
Self-improvement Advice
1 FollowerDaily self-improvement videos to help improve your life
1 FollowerVele Aan Murshid
1 FollowerMillennial Tinker
1 FollowerHome projects, done by yours truly.
Thinker's Archive
1 FollowerCloset full of difficult to find video clips that just might challenge what and how you think and perceive events.