Welcome to TigerN7's Channel


Hey! My name is Graeme and I am a part-time Rumble streamer. I am passionate about being a light to others and facilitating joy through gaming, education, discussion, and community. I enjoy community, discussion, memes, and being real. I absolutely LOVE animals, games, art, and technology. I'm a total Mass Effect, 7 Days to die, and Command & Conquer nerd. I started gaming when I was young...I'd say primary school, most likely, and my uncle showed me his Sega mega drive. I discovered Sonic the hedgehog, Zelda, and Streets of rage! A few years later, I was given my very own Sega and fell in love with the Sonic trilogy and Mortal combat. My world of gaming has expanded ever since to PC. I play lots of games on PC. I'm currently playing Satisfactory as i love it! Have any questions? Feel free to ask. Let's get to know one another. See you around.☺️

مملكة النمور Kingdom Of Tigers


قناة تهتم بشرح كل ما يتعلق بالانترنت الخفي وعالم التكنولوجيا المظلم وجنون ثورة المعلومات وكل ما هو جديد وغريب في دنيا التقنية واخر التحديثات لا تنسو الاشتراك بالقناة وتفعيل زر الجرس ليصلكم كل جديد\n(القناة كلها مغامرات و كوابيس عن جنون التكنولوجيا و الانترنت بس كلها من وحي خيالي و الهدف الرئيسي منها و هو المتعة لمحبي القصص و المغامرة و مالهاش اى علاقه بالواقع حتى الشخصيات)