The Cave TV


The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you ~ B.B. King I am a student of life, and one who is always open to receive the messages that the universe wants to teach. I encourage everyone to ask questions, do research, and learn every chance you can; whether it's new things or finding the answers to those questions that you contemplate. I also believe we should know about suppressed historical information as it's unseen by so many. Seeing actual discovery documents, whether for a crime case or an event in history, it's where you'll find the most unbiased truth for yourself. Stay curious my friends. My Other Channel is: Crime and Killers

EYE AM Podcast - Aansh Jagwani


The EYE AM Podcast showcases the greatest peak-performers across all industries in one place, sharing their wisdom with you. This show isn’t about feeling confident of going into the situation. It’s about - “SHOWING UP” It isn’t even about knowing, that it’s even going to work out. It’s not even, about having the most detailed plan for how this thing will happen. It simply is about, “Doing It..” It’s about “COURAGE” It’s about tapping into your “INTUITION” The ‘I AM’ The Eternal. It’s this courage that we’ve all got, that encourages what we will experience. What we will grow when the doubt persists, but - we do it anyway. Doubt is going to be there. But doubt only gets out of the way when we express courage right? Welcome to the Eye Am podcast : A reflective interaction at a destination beyond