First Children's Embassy in the World Megjashi


The First Children's Embassy in the World, Megjashi- Macedonia, was founded by: Gordana and Dragi Zmijanac in Skopje, on 29.04.1992. Megjashi is a World Association of citizens and represents an international NGO for care, protection and promotion of the children's rights. Children's Embassy Megjashi advocates and protects children's rights, stands for responsible parenthood and respect for the child's personality. Megjashi continuously works on the strengthening of the civil movement for children’s rights and functionality of the institutions in the best interests of the child." 30 YEARS OF EXISTENCE AND WORK OF THE FIRST CHILDREN’S EMBASSY IN THE WORLD MEGJASHI - 30 YEARS OF MORE RIGHTEOUS WORLD FOR THE CHILDREN

Spooky Crow "everything around camp while the kettle is on"


yep this “spooky-crow” channel is dedicated to my old mate Andy from Gloucestershire in England. See this channel is born out of a long term nagging habit request of my best mate Andy, who happened to be a notorious watcher of outdoor and Bushcraft videos ever posted on YouTube... so naturally he constantly came up with pulling a leg on me. Obviously it became a running joke between us, mentioning the phrase “What's in your Pack than..." while sitting around a camp fire during several Bike, Hiking and Canoe trips over the past 20 years or so brewing up a nice cup of Tea and cooking in the woods.. mainly Scotland and the Scandinavian country. Chatting about our outdoor kit, joking around having a good laughter about our self and in general having a good time together while growing older.... that's old boys muppet stuff.. nothing seriously, just fun. Finally it's all coming together to get to on of my main project, namely "What's in may Pack" hence the name, see yourself and enjoy.