Simple Golf Instruction to Help You Play Your Best Golf


My mission is to help golfers make the most out of the game of golf and have more fun in the process! I utilize simple and effective techniques that "go against the grain" so to speak BUT the TRUTH has to get out. Tired of suffering and "wandering in the [golf swing] desert for 40 years"? Come to the "land of milk and honey" through this channel and my online golf school. Access Tom\'s ULTIMATE Golf Swing Training Program and Instructional Library -

Michelle 'ATLien' Brown


Michelle Brown aka ATLien is the owner/operator of Atlanta's most popular pop culture blog site, is an Atlanta-based urban blog which features hot new music leaks, exclusive interviews & red carpet coverage of the hottest events. Since it's August 2007 inception, the site has been referenced by many top entertainment sites including MTV, BET, VH1, People, E! News, The Wendy Show, & More. Various news organizations have referenced my content as well, including Dateline, The Atlanta Journal/Constitution, The Tom Joyner Morning Show, in addition to several nationwide radio stations. is also listed among the list of top blogs in entertainment & gossip. *** Mailing Address *** 400 Pryor Street SW #5012 Atlanta GA 30303 **** DONATE ****$iamATLien