Divine Disruptors System Busters Verified


Cousin Vinny here. (Divine Disruptor System Buster) This channel is to open a channel of recovery. we must *Innerstand, before we can heal. I am one of 4.8 billion Star-seeds. Light-Workers, and Old Souls. We came here to help with the Disclosure, Awakening, Recovery, and Rebuilding of Gaia, Humanity, and The Golden Rose Galaxy. I do not know hoe the heck all this technology works, So Please bear with me, as I self-teach myself how all this works.

Crime Busters 101


Hi good morning good afternoon or good evening,, Welcome to Crime busters 101 I post solved and unsolved and crime related topic on a weekly basis and also true crime and murder documentaries so if that something that might interest you please subscribe and hit that notification button every case is unique and will have you on the edge of your seat so enjoy the videos and remember viewer discretion is advised on all my videos and if you are commenting please be kind thank you stay safe



THIS Channel Is Platform To Share The SAVING Knowledge Of Jesus Christ (Through The Gospel Of Jesus Christ) With EVERYONE Willing To Listen To THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH (The ENTIRE Holy Bible, And Specifically, The Gospel Of Jesus Christ; Including, Holy Bible Prophecy) And Our Biblical WorldView – Through SOUND HOLY BIBLE BIBLICAL DOCTRINE; Our Goal Is To Encourage Others To Acknowledge GOD Almighty’s Amazing SAVING Grace AND To Accept GOD Almighty’s FREE GIFT OF SALVATION (Which COMES ONLY – THROUGH Jesus Christ); Thereby, Joining Us (The Body Of Christ, The Bride Of Christ, ALL Truly “Born Again” Fellow Believers – Children Of GOD Almighty), And Receiving Unto Themselves THE HOPE OF EVERLASTING LIFE; BEFORE, IT’S TOO LATE FOR THEM; And To Be An Encouragement For Those, Who Are Already Part Of The Body Of Christ, As We Endure The Last Days, The End Times, THE LAST HOUR, BEFORE Jesus Christ COMES – FOR HIS BRIDE (That’s Us), AT The PRE-Tribulation Being CAUGHT UP Together Of The Church!

Trustworthy Q Digital Warrior Anons


This collection is filled with past, present and future Q Anon Digital Warrior podcasters that are trustworthy in my opinion. I've thoroughly researched what they have been reporting and in every circumstance they speak truth. Additionally, they will inform you if they are speculating, and generally they are correct and what they suspect comes to fruition. These Warriors have an excellent ability to decode, as well as explain in layman's terms Q intel drops and combining those drops with past, present and future events (As Q states, "Past proves future." I highly recommend that you follow all of them to keep current as to what is happening as we endeavor to make it through this revolution. I upload my favorite podcasts that are chock full of analytical as well as thoroughly researched information. Personally, I've been researching the NWO/Illuminate for 30+ years, specifically after being informed that BellSouth lab was cloning people. This person had government security clearance, because she worked with a corporation that was heavily involved in the space program. Enjoy the knowledge Patriots! NOTE: To date, all of President Trump's promises have come to fruition. Believe it when he often states, "The best is yet to come." God is bringing satan's darkness into His light, because nothing can stop what is coming! and Where we go one, we go all. Stay vigilant Patriots, keep the faith and be at peace. Pray for your whole armor of protection from Ephesians 6-10. The Lord always wins. God bless you and yours abundantly! #NCSWIS #WWG1WGA #Q #ANON If you want to do some interesting reading, check out my articles and opinions on Gab: https://gab.com/JudyRivers; https://x.com/TheFortuneRpt; https://truthsocial.com/@JudyFortune



New Orleans Psychic Medium I am currently available for Personal Readings or Reiki Sessions. For more information go to: http://shannoncolleenmedium.simplybook.me/V2/ BLACK TAROT available at: https://dabrigh.com/discount/LOTUSSPIRIT for 20% use discount code: LOTUSSPIRIT **Welcome to Taurus Truth Tarot! My name is Shannon Colleen and I am a Medium. I read tarot intuitively with all the guidance from spirit. Please remember to like, share and subscribe. Love & Light to All! If so inclined, Donations are welcome at - https://www.paypal.me/ShannonColleen CashApp $ShannonColleenMedium I am not a licensed physician. Anything expressed in this video is my personal opinion and should be viewed as entertainment purposes only.