Stop Political correctness,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, by malcolmbelfast


For many more videos go to "Browse" AND "Search" "malcolmbelfast" Other great Channels, "Make Woke Go Broke", "The 2020 Election was Stolen" "Questions for Michelle Obama", also at, and For up to date news, Subscribe to the new Kuhner Report channel on YouTube to continue listening to Jeff Kuhner every

Stop Letting Your Past Get in The Way of Your Future Verified


Life After Addiction and Indictment helps those who keep letting their past get in the way of their future reclaim their life through entrepreneurship. Steve knows what It’s like to lose your confidence, have doors slammed in your face and the feeling that you won't ever achieve your dreams of entrepreneurship. Steve has the experience, knowledge and relationships to help you take control of your life and secure your future. After 24 years of "co-existing" in his marriage, Steve knows what it takes to create a happy and fulfilling relationship. Steve celebrated his 32-year anniversary in June 2022. Together they have four boys and one girl, ages 18-30. When he's not working to help others, Steve loves to spend time with his family in Lake Powell, Sunday game night, golfing, traveling, riding motorcycles and snowmobiles with his four boys and creating memories

The Easytopian!


Most of the time I write a story and podcast it on the same day. I find it very interesting what comes up. I encourage you to try it. Your brain is always trying to tell you something. I'm Commercial Herschel, and I'm here to help. Find my stories at substack, and my book at Evoking questions for your ™Smartbrain to ponder. 20-30 minutes, tops. Great for waking up from sleep or getting ready to sleep. To sign up for email updates, subscribe to It's free, and you have access to everything I do there. Thank you very much. You shine like a STAR. You are not insignificant. You are not a meaningless speck in space.

Shot Show 2023


Chris Bilodeau and Vinnie Leone review the latest offerings from manufacturers at Shot Show 2023. The Range St. Louis West is a state of the art indoor shooting range, retail store and training facility located in beautiful Ballwin, MO just outside of St. Louis. We offer 20 shooting lanes, all 25 yards long, in three bays able to handle up to .30 caliber. The Range is quickly becoming the go-to facility for all things related to personal protection and preparedness training. We believe training is an evolution, a progression, and a life-long pursuit. We offer a variety of handgun, carbine and shotgun classes for all skills levels. Whether you are brand new to shooting or have trained consistently, we can help you continue your progression and skill development. Our training staff consists of active and former law enforcement, military and professional shooters. Come visit us at 14803 Manchester Rd. in Ballwin or go to Member of the NSSF, USCCA and the Caliber Club of Gun Owners of America. M-F: 10am - 8pm Sat: 9am - 6pm Sun: 10am - 6pm