Lectures From Mohamed Hoblos


Mohamed Hoblos, hailing from Lebanon, and living in Sydney (Australia) is famous for his ability to deliver passionate, emotional and powerful talks and reminders on various topics regarding the muslims of today. He have conquered many hearts with his preachings, especially the hearts of the young muslims. He have given lectures in many countries around the world and he regularly make short videos on the muslim media "One Path Network", as for example the video with Ali Banat (may Allah give him Jannah) "Gifted with Cancer - Ali Banat". Mohamed Hoblos was part also of the Sidney Deen Team which is an Islamic radio programme and he took part also on the Islamic short movie "Last Chance". Also an important thing to underline is that Mohamed Hoblos is not a Shaykh and that can lead in using a hadith that is weak, and he maybe thought was sahih etc. or he can say a hadith not in the exact form and that may cause a change on the meaning of the hadith etc. , for this reason we advice you to watch and share the videos of Mohamed Hoblos only from our Channel because we cut those parts. Support our Dawah Projects Brothers and Sisters on Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/lecturesfromm... Like & Share & Subscribe Follow us also on : Facebook - Lectures From Mohamed Hoblos Telegram - Lectures From Mohamed Hoblos Instagram - mohamed__hoblos (double underscore) TikTok - mohamed__hoblos (double underscore) Twitter - mohamed__hoblos (double underscore) Click on the links below : https://www.facebook.com/Hoblosmohamed/ https://t.me/lecturesfrommohamedhoblos https://www.instagram.com/mohamed__ho... tiktok.com/@mohamed__hoblos https://twitter.com/mohamed__hoblos #Mohammad hoblos #mufti menk #Allah #Quran #Islamic lectures

American Savage


**Follow me:** https://www.minds.com/joekaguirre/ If you like this content or know someone who can benefit from it, consider Sharing, Reminding, or a Membership to support this work. Thanks for watching, sharing, and commenting. Real Estate Agent, Entrepreneur, Ex-Submarine Pirate, Business Owner, Commercial and Residential Real Estate, and Miscellaneous Asset Investor, Outside Machinist, Marine Machinery Mechanic, Pipefitter, Shipfitter, Brazier, Hydraulic Mechanical Engineering Technician. Also can't spell, so enjoy losing your mind over that. Interested in Real Estate? Browse homes here: https://joe.alaskarealtyexperts.com Watch More Content: https://www.rumble.com/americansavage/ https://www.bitchute.com/channel/AmericanSavagex/ https://odysee.com/@AmericanSavage:3 Business Inquiries: Email: americansavage@skiff.com Send Bitcoin & Ethereum Tips/Donations to address: americansavage.x Referral Links: https://www.minds.com/register?referrer=joekaguirre https://odysee.com/$/invite/@AmericanSavage:3 https://rumble.com/register/joekaguirre/ https://www.bitchute.com/accounts/referral/americansavagex/ https://lbry.tv/$/invite/@AmericanSavage:3 https://unstoppabledomains.com/?ref=americansavage LBRY Dweb link: lbry://@AmericanSavageee#3

Fools and Sages Podcast


Welcome to The Fools and Sages Podcast, where deep conversations intersect with practical wisdom. Hosted by Brian Lee and Boaz Soifer, this show invites listeners into thought-provoking conversations that illuminate the transformative insights Boaz gained from nearly three decades of dialogue with Brian. From their first encounter in the high desert of New Mexico, Boaz and Brian have explored the profound connections between philosophy, psychology, and everyday life. Each episode unpacks the sense-making and way-finding tools that have shaped the fool’s journey, offering listeners unique perspectives on the axioms and mental models that have resonated with the pair beyond the abstract. With curiosity and warmth, this podcast aims to foster inquiry, encouraging listeners to find clarity and purpose in their own journeys. Join Boaz and Brian as they explore life’s complexities and offer practical guides for understanding ourselves and our relationships with the world around us.

Messages of Our Lady of Mt.Ganxim-Batim


These messages comes into being at the request of Our Holy Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Our God. The Mother of God reveals that we are entering the purification before the era of a thousand years of Peace. Here, the Mother of God also reveals Her Supreme role in Salvation that God has entrusted Her with, as Mediatrix of All Grace, Co-Redemptrix (with Jesus The Redeemer) and Advocate before Jesus Her Divine Son, the Divine Judge. Unto Her is given all Power, all Grace, all Gifts to bestow upon Her children, God’s children who will Consecrate themselves to Her and call upon Her in each moment and decision of their lives. Please visit: https://www.mediatrixofallgrace.com/

Messages To Humanity


Messages from off-world meant to reach humanity at this very important time in human history. Two things to add: 1. This is a collective effort. We have the help of many extraterrestrial races by our side (physical and non-physical). 2. I'm also rediscovering myself in the process, as I am sure "they" also are. No one holds all the answers. You have to take the responsibility for your beliefs and decide for yourself. We are here just to offer you off-world perspectives on things - offer and not impose. 🔥 YouTube Channel in English 🔥 YouTube 1: https://www.youtube.com/c/MessagestoHumanity 🔥 Other Alternative / Backup Channels in English 🔥 YouTube 2: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkaTJw2jDndhP1G3y8AhjcA Odysee: https://odysee.com/@messagestohumanity:a Brighteon: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/messagestohumanity 🇧🇷 Brazilian Portuguese Channels 🇧🇷 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTvqHkkUhrZylyKlAFG5-Cw Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-1414416 Odysee: https://odysee.com/@mensagensparaahumanidade:8