Rossanan De Lag ch.
29 FollowersIm Rossanan a Girl trying to find her true self... she is trapped in a mirror like canvas, looking the outside world... Streaming with 1 Stream every Friday and a Few videos in the weeks // She/Her // // Spanish and English // // Artist/Live2D Rigger // I WILL play Horror games, Mark my words! Find me!: Twitter: @RossananDeLag Youtube: Rossanan De Lag Ko-Fi: rossanandelag
29 FollowersWild San Antonio
28 FollowersTrail Camera wildlife videos from NE San Antonio
Cheyenne WY Urban Gardener
28 FollowersWelcome to my urban gardening channel where I post video's from Cheyenne Wyoming's famous "Pencil House" also known as the Sturgis house. It's a Victorian built in 1883 by William Sturgis, now owned by us and we garden on the small patch of land that the house sits on in converted flower beds. We try and produce as much as we can, sustainably, without pesticides, harsh fertilizers, or any other artificial means.
28 FollowersSOS Los Angeles
27 FollowersFamily, Food, and the Little Guy. With Angela Marsden and Mike Netter
27 FollowersAva Lemert the Singing Saxstress™
27 FollowersMusic leaning towards soul/funk/nu-jazz, no auto-tune, no rap, real vocals, real instruments by multi-instrumentalist Mom :-) who happens to have 10 Grammy noms to my credit so far! SEE ME PERFORM in and around the greater Sacramento, California region! Calendar Here:
DJ New Santara
26 FollowersDJ Indonesia GO Internastional
26 FollowersEntrevistas, discursos y disertaciones de Pablo Adolfo Santa Cruz de la Vega, Fundador del Movimiento Veganista, autor de Proyecto Ovnis, escritor e investigador, directos de la Editorial Artesanal de la Casa de Tharsis y la Libreria Hiperbórea, músico y compositor, líder del grupo de Metarock Apus de Bolivia.
Restore and Rebuild Santa Clara County CA
26 FollowersThis is the channel for Robert Howell, CA State Senate Candidate District 15, Santa Clara County CA
26 FollowersSinging_GYssem
26 FollowersSantaliThought
25 Followers💥💥💥💥💥 Santali thought 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 👉👉👉👉👉 This channel only for human who have live in the earth planet This channel support the Santal community to grow up their culture tradition language script festival's god goddess Religion social 🏹🏹🏹🏹ST meens- santali thought. 🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹 💖💖💖💖💖Santal actually pronounce "saotal" 📝📝📝 Saotal=Sao+Tal 📝📝📝Sao---means together😁 Tal---means one a Rhythm 👌👌👌👌👌They are work together, live together, eat together, festivals enjoy together 🤝🤝🤝 Santal people has won language and scripts, 🗣️🗣️🗣️Santal is the best And largest tribal communities in the world.Santal maximum live at jharkhand . West Bengal,Odisha,Bihar,Assam,(India).Rajsahi, Khulna, dhaka(Bangladesh) Nepal 💖💖💖💖💖💖 Now to day all over world Santal people live at. ☎️☎️Contact us......With ☎️☎️ 👉👉👉Link 👉👉👉Link acebook---
La Hora Sana de la Semana Podcast
25 FollowersTemas de Salud, Nutrición, y Medio Ambiente. Información seria, tratada de manera amena y veraz, referenciada y tamizada por el filtro de 42 años de experiencia en consultoría naturopática.
25 FollowersRodrigoSantanaCursos
25 FollowersPanaghia La Toda Santa
24 FollowersBrenda del Río nos habla en cada programa de la vida y obra de la Virgen María, contextualizada a la época actual y siempre haciendo referencias a la cultura de la vida que el ser humano debería de vivir en cada aspecto de la vida. Tomando como ejemplo a la Madre de Dios Brenda del Río nos invita a ser como ella, respetando siempre la vida, la familia y el matrimonio.
I Like To Sing
23 FollowersThis channel is my journey true teaching to sing. I am 57 years old, and I started singing in 2019.
Manga Recap
22 FollowersBetePaulinoArtesanato
22 FollowersThis channel is to teachs craft and other things
22 FollowersMrsSantana100
22 FollowersRed Sings the Blues
21 FollowersPodcast On Social Issues and Buffoonery
Artesanato Decor Casual Diy
21 FollowersOlá, tudo bem? Me chamo Suely, criei esse canal com intuito de mostrar minhas ideias sobre reciclagem e decoração. Espero que gostem Esse canal foi criado para ajudar pessoas com dicas sobre Diy, artesanato, decoração, e reciclagem, compartilharei ideias sobre como reaproveitar coisas que você jogaria no lixo e nem imaginaria que poderiam ser totalmente transformadas!!! #diy #artesanato #reciclagem #decoracao #reforma
Schadenfreude Studios
21 FollowersStarving artist. Feed me!
José Ricardo Santana
21 FollowersSanatana Shaastra
20 Followersआज सम्पूर्ण विश्व आधुनिकता की ओर अग्रसर है। और इस आधुनिकता का आधार पाश्चात्य एवं रेगिस्तानी संस्कृति एवं आचरण को माना जा रहा है। प्रत्येक व्यक्ति स्वयं को इस विचारधारा में ढालने की होड़ में प्रयासरत है। और इस होड़ में हम अपनी संस्कृति, आचरण एवं धर्म को भुला बैठे हैं। स्थिति यहाँ तक पहुँच गयी है की सनातन संस्कृति के वंशज अपनी ही धरोहर, अपनी संस्कृति की अवमानना में गर्व का अनुभव करते हैं। जो व्यक्ति या समाज अपनी ही नींव खोदने लगे, उस व्यक्ति या समाज को पतन से कौन बचा सकता है ? यह मेरा प्रयास है की हम दोबारा अपने धर्म से जुड़ें, अपने ग्रंथों को समझें और उनमे व्यक्त जीवन विधान एवं मूल्यों का आचरण करें। हमें सनातनी होने पर गर्वान्वित होना चाहिए और वह तभी संभव है जब हम अपनी ज्ञान सम्पदा को जानेंगे। मेरी अपेक्षा है की जो सज्जन इन ग्रंथों को सुनें, वे अपने वंशजों को भी इस ओर प्रेरित करें। भारतवर्ष एक अकेली पुण्य भूमि है जहाँ हमारा अस्तित्व है और हमें हर मूल्य पर ये सुनिश्चित करना होगा कि हम अपने ज्ञान सागर को संजो कर रखने के साथ साथ इसका अनुपालन भी करें। Today the whole world is moving towards modernity. And the basis of this modernity is being considered to be western and desert culture and behavior. Everyone is trying to mold himself in this ideology. And in this race we have forgotten our culture, our conduct and our religion. The situation has reached to such an extent that the descendants of Sanatan culture take pride in contempt of their own heritage, their own culture. Who can save that person or society from downfall which starts digging its own foundation? It is my endeavor that we should reconnect with our religion, understand our scriptures and practice the life rules and values expressed in them. We should be proud of being Sanatani and that is possible only when we know our wealth of knowledge. I hope that the gentlemen who listen to these texts should inspire their descendants also in this direction. Bharatvarsha is the only holy land where we exist and we have to ensure at all costs that we preserve our ocean of knowledge and follow it.
Sanando por medio de la astrología
20 FollowersSanaja
20 FollowersBoomanGamingWorld
20 FollowersSing the Psalms with Sandy
19 FollowersPsalms sung to help with memorization Many Psalm singing audios are beautifully harmonized but it is hard to understand the words. It is my hope that these vocals with one voice will be useful to those wishing to listen in order to memorize the Psalms of David from the 1650 Scottish Metrical Psalter. Tunes in the public domain.
19 FollowersSangriamaker
19 FollowersManhwa Manhua Manga Videos
19 FollowersHello Friends Manhwa_Mystery is a channel dedicated to bringing you the best in mystery-themed Manga, Manhwa, and Manhua, from around the world. The channel offers a wide range of titles, from classic detective stories to chilling murder mysteries, and everything in between. With a focus on high-quality art and engaging storytelling, Manhwa_Mystery provides a unique and exciting reading experience for fans of all ages. Whether you're a long-time fan of Manga, Manhwa, and Manhua or new to the genre, Manhwa_Mystery has something for everyone. Do you like this videos? Leave your like👍 🌟Do you like it very much? Leave your favourite 👍 🌟If you like our videos then please subscribe my channel ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 🌟If you can share my videos with your friends .I thanks you very much!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 🌟 comment what you think of this videos!🧠👄 Activate the notification ball so you do not lose everything that happens on the channel. Be an ective subscribe !!!!