The NonSequitur Show


NonSequitur is crafted around uncommon philosophy and influenced by a simple ideology. Here, bold ideas are righteous, unique perspective are gospel, and informed opinions are sacred. NonSequitur is hosted by Steve McRae, and follows a vision of content that is rich in optimistic sarcasm and seeks to balance entertainment with information, open minds, and provoke thought. NonSequitur is comprised of several formats. Each show features discussions with fascinating guests who are making an impact in our social, political, or religious culture. Some may consider ideas discussed here taboo, but NonSequitur defiantly showcases controversial issues in passionate debates. The result is a channel unapologetic in its audacity and relentless in its originality.

Ancient Ocean Ruins


Ancient Ocean Ruins a constant search and exploration of ancient ocean flooded ruins how ancient? built by who? there are many theories and many questions. flooded when, how many times? cosmic? earthly? human caused? there are many theories and many questions... what about me and this channel? I explore and see what I can see when it is available to see. I try to stick to simplistic theories and never stick to precise historical dates and labels of how far in the past something happened. to simplify with the most drastic example, I would not be surprised if we find ruins of a 500.000 year old civilization somewhere while mining deep for gold, uranium or diamonds, etc. and that number is just a pure guess. AluminoHato 2024

Relaxing Farm Fresh Ninja Fruit Cutting (Oddly Satisfying Fruit Ninja) 🥝🥥 #Shorts #fruit


Oddly satisfying videos that will relax you before sleep.Videos for stress relief and relax. Want to relieve your stress and fall asleep? Watch this amazing and oddly satisfying compilation that's guaranteed to calm you down! watching this type of videos before sleep its will help you to relax deeply...Can a fruits cutting videos make you relax or slime videos can? You can watch different kind of satisfying videos from all over the countries.Watch and Relax better for deep sleep.Watching satisfying videos can help you for a better and deep sleep and also these videos can help you to calm down your tensions... Don't forget to like and subscribe for more oddly satisfying videos! ---------------------------------- Relaxing Farm Fresh Ninja Fruit Cutting (Oddly Satisfying Fruit Ninja) 🥝🥥 #Shorts #fruit