Zprávy z Galaxie - Oraa Nataru Shari


Záložní kanál Vytvářím překlady a české titulky k videím zahraničních autorů - E. Danaan, Dr.M.Salla, A. Collier, I.Peréz, M. Jaco a další + naučné programy, dějiny planety Země a původu lidstva; technologie, rozhovory s hosty na témata o původu lidstva, skutečné historie, zásadní mezníky v dějinách zatajené lidstvu, tajné vojenské a vesmírné programy (SS), MILAB, 20&zpět, kolonie na Marsu, rozhovory se supervojáky a způsoby poznání sama sebe i zlepšení kvality života, 😀 Email: andrea.galaxie@gmail.com Příspěvek na tvorbu videí: 177251630 / 0600 IBAN: CZ58 0600 0000 0001 7725 1630 BIC (SWIFT kód): AGBACZPP https://m.facebook.com/groups/4301742136544105/permalink/6460129164038714/ Všem upřímně děkuji za nádherné vzkazy a sdílení vašich příběhů ❤️❤️❤️❤️



Welcome to Daily Crush! Have you ever wanted to see what happens to things as they are crushed?! On this channel we will test the limits of everyday items against our hydraulic press and see how they CRUSH under the pressure! Every day we will crush various things from food to toys to electronics....you name it, we will press it, crush it, and destroy it! Be sure to subscribe for new crushing videos every single day! And leave us a comment on what items you would like to see us crush! Keep PRESSING on!

Turnwright Gallery features Rush Limbaugh art and music


Doug Henry was the "Official Limbaugh Letter Cover Illustrator" from 1997-2004. In 7 years he illustrated 70 covers for Rush Limbaugh's newsletter. In addition to his Limbaugh Letter art, this channel also features his political songwriting. Many of the themes in his songs were inspired through all the many years he spent painting while listening to Rush's radio show. You may view all the Rush paintings and purchase art prints at his website: www.turnwrightgallery.com