Hello! & welcome to our channel so 😎. This is Wild Rose Haven Homesteading, about newbie late blooming 🤔, homesteaders learning the ropes of country rural living in the thick of east Texas. Formerly rural beach country folks residences of Ca. Yes some call us crazy. Watch us figure out how to adapt to our new home state and learning how to thrive as self sustaining homesteaders. We will be sharing random reviews of whatever we use to achieve our homesteading goals, that range from The Mrs. all natural journey for health, self care, fav calm music, recipes. Our pet/livestock care, D.i.Y/D.I.O projects, blood, sweat, laughter, some tears and Mr. Rose D.I.Y. mechanical fixes. Follow, like, comment, share, subscribe, Oh & please watch our videos to the end, to help Rumble remember us. Be Brave & D.I.Y on gratefully Mr.Rose & The Mrs. Rising up for freedom Stand for the rights of humanity Support American ingenuity
Plan and Learn about Fitness and educational beliefs, in a delicious soup of videos
Emerging from a rich and enduring friendship, The Tennessee Roses hail from the vibrant musical hub of Nashville, TN. Their unique sound seamlessly blends elements of rock and country music, creating a harmonious fusion that resonates with listeners. Each song they craft reflects personal experiences and a profound connection to their past. Embarking on their debut album, The Tennessee Roses draw inspiration from a year of collaborative songwriting. Comprising the trio are Josh Johnson (bass guitar and vocals) , Carlos Goycochea (drums), and Daniel Lanetti (guitars and vocals) —each contributing their unique artistry to this promising musical endeavor. • ✝️CATHOLIC☦️ • Asperger’s, ADHD • INTJ-T (Over 18) STOP COMMENTING ON MY VIDEOS ADVERTISING YOUR BOOTLEG SOCILA MEDIA PROFILE GORWTH PROGRAM. I AM NOT GOING TO CONTACT YOUR SKETCHY AF YAHOO E-MAIL - NOR ANY E-MAIL POSTED TO MY COMMENTS - AND ASK FOR A STEP BY STEP GUIDE ON HOW TO GROW MY PROFILE. IF I WANTED TO GROW MY PROFILE, I’D CREATE A FORUM POST OR LOOK IT UP. I DO NOT CARE ABOUT NUMBERS ON SOCIAL MEDIA STOP ACTING LIKE I CARE ABOUT NUMBERS ON SOCIAL MEDIA WHEN I COULDN’T CARE LESS. STARTING ON JULY TWENTY THIRD, 2024 (JUL 23RD, 2024) 10:00 P.M., CST (CENTRAL STANDARD TIME), I WILL BE BLOCKING ALL USERS WHO COMMENT ON MY VIDEOS AND ADVERTISE THEIR E-MAIL. I CANT BELIEVE I HAVE TO SAY THIS YA’LL ARE SOME SERIOUSLY DENSE MFING USERS THAT IS IF YOU'RE ACTUALLY USERS AND NOT AUTOMATED BOTS
Testing loyalty of couples randomly to prove their trust and faithfulness to their partners.
大家好!我哋係正宗土生土長香港人,巧合於時代動盪之時回流返加拿大,亦巧合創立了這個channel,雖然本來只是用作分享加拿大的移民生活,但基於我哋相信每人做多一步,個世界就會唔同,我哋會藉著呢個channel去講真話,講香港人話! 我哋亦很高興話比大家知,我哋嘅patreon正式啟航喇! 响patreon專頁裏面,我哋會upload啲我哋响youtube限時播放嘅影片,亦會放啲比較敏感、容易被黃標嘅時事題材,包括但不限於:電影行內真言快語、真·香港歷史、我是香港人教室.....精彩內容不能盡錄! 喜歡我們談論呢啲題材,又或想在限時播放後仍能觀賞,就快啲加入我哋Gold/Diamond Patreon喇! 至於只係想輕輕鬆鬆請我同中佬教練飲咖啡奶茶食雪糕嘅話,就加入我哋嘅Silver Patreon啦!我哋會搵多啲好玩好食嘅地方,身先士卒,拍多啲試玩試食比大家睇😋!先多謝大家!
Video e Audio de Rock Variado
All that is real. Religion and Political and Geopolitical Content. Bringing videos to help break the mainstream narratives.
Your gifts are needed and you have so much to give! Receive the support you need to land your gifts and deliver your mission, to walk in truth and be a blessing. Subscribe to this channel to learn tools for healing, embodiment, self-care & sovereignty so you can bring your full essence to the party - we need all the Awakening Ones on board to land this Earth ship! Discover more about Natalie's work and ArborVitae Mystery School at or
Se how to do the exercises in short videos, usually 2 videos from different angels. starring May Tita and Andre. This is also a suggested naming convention for a number of exercises, what part of the body is exercised and some of the essential muscles involved. HOW TO USE THE CHANNEL. Find out what body part(s) you want to exercise. 1. Go to the Playlist for that body part. 2. Pick some exercises. 3. Watch the short video if necessary. 4. Go to the GYM and enjoy
Sword fighting and fencing videos, training and education for the Phoenix Chapter of the Loyal Order of the Sword. Swordmaster - Greg Hinchcliff
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1998. This channel has all 30 movies made by Akira Kurosawa and 48 with Toshiro Mifune. Years of searching to find these, a true goldmine and found nowhere else on the net! All movies also found at Please send your prayers for Kurosawa and Mifune for making these movies for us all to enjoy. My other channels I run is Welcome! Thanks to Rumble for being the last free speech video platform and standing up for our liberty!
Sharing God's revelations and visions. Our channel is dedicated for God's Glory.
Catholic Prayer, Meditation, and Relaxation
Welcome to my Channel, I created this channel to spread the Good News! The Gospel of Jesus Christ and expose the unfruitful deeds of darkness in this world, using a biblical lense. The hope is for the audience to accept the life changing message of our LORD Jesus Christ's Love and Forgiveness through the power of his death, Burial and Ressurection! Romans 10:9-11 NKJV that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.” John 3:16 KJV 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Grace and Peace to you in Jesus Name! Much Love - Loyalty 👊🏻❤️🇬🇧
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Digging in to understand the truth about our world.
Our store has a wide range of Christian products & gifts. You can buy: crosses & crucifixes, Christian Jewelry, rosary, candles, bible incenses and oils, bracelets, nativity scenes, christian sets, icons. Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims come to Jerusalem every year. However, not everyone can afford such a trip for a number of reasons: there is no time or opportunity. We work hard to ensure that you receive the highest quality Christian goods right from the heart of the Holy Land. Products from the Holy Land will make your home atmosphere more comfortable and your mood will become godly and joyful
Welcome to a place where Jesus is magnified and where we take you into the deep learning more about living a victorious life. Ez 47
GNFNR Video's
Heavenly Divine Rosaries is a Christian store dedicated to helping you grow in faith through the prayers of the saints and the power of God's word! Each video invites you to meditate on God’s love, experience peace, and find strength in prayer. Join us as we share the wisdom of the saints, beautiful prayers, and inspiring reflections to bring God’s grace into your daily life. Subscribe for uplifting content that will deepen your spiritual journey and draw you closer to God.
Thank you for stopping by my channel i am a full time reseller. I love creating reselling and lifestyle content as a stay at home mom of two! hope you all enjoy and consider hitting that subscribe button!
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