Hadassah Vincent Barucabamusic Global Network

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Barucabamusic Global Network Worship Train in compliance to John4:23-24 arise to flood the earth with our praise & worship to Jesus. HE alone deserves our worship Rev 4:11. For thus saith God, this is a Thursday, it will happen on a Friday, the Restoration of Eden before Adam sinned, like a second Eden. Isa 51:3b Join this 11th hour global Remnant of anointed lovers & Ministers of Jesus on this threshing floor as we honour HIS precious Blood. We are valuable in Jesus, the one we love & adore, the treasure in our earthen vessel & the only authentic eternal VALUABLE & desire of all Nations! With the joy of the Lord as my ATM Card embedded in the love of God, I draw from the Well of Salvation, the bounties of His Treasure House to worship HIM in Spirit & in truth! Join us. DAILY@GMT+1- 6am RefreshingTheRemnant;11am 90Minutes With Jesus;9:30pm-TenStringsPraise; 00:00 My 2324 Shepherd MONTHLY@6pm-6pm GMT+1 for 24hrs Worship 3rd Fridays; 3pm Divine Reliance every 21st Barucabamusic.com


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Welcome to RoCars! This is the best place to see top brands new cars! This is a unique way to visit the most popular Auto Shows without leaving your home! The premiere of any new car is an event! What if it is BMW, Mercedes or Audi? It will be incredible and awesome! The purpose of this channel is to convey to the viewer the beauty of cars through music. Autoblogging in its usual sense is becoming a thing of the past, as the opinions of journalists have become dependent on representatives of car companies. With the help of music, the viewer himself can form an opinion about the car about which he watches the video on this channel. Music created by the author of the channel RoCars, purchased or taken from free sources. I try to visit all the largest Auto Shows and shoot beautiful shots from which I create original videos. The cameras I use are: BM Pocket; Fuji XT3. Stabilizer: Ronin-SС

Building the Chale in Roça

1 Follower

Building the Chale in Roça ... In this video I will show how the chalet was built, where the wood that was used with columns was made of eucalyptus, the tiles are ecological onduline, the chalet has 80% all wood, and 20% wood. masonry, because as you can see in the video, its structure has ceramic blocks. A simple construction, with a person with knowledge of carpentry, and some help and a good bricklayer can make a cottage of this size or smaller, easy, with low cost, because if we take into account making a normal house, it would cost much more, because it has iron and another something else that goes in the house If you liked this video, let your like subscribe to the channel and share this video and help this channel to grow. Thank you very much to everyone #life in the country #building house in the country # wooden cottage # cottage design # eucalyptus cottage #how I built a cheap cottage


1 Follower

Welcome to RoCars! This is the best place to see top brands new cars! This is a unique way to visit the most popular Auto Shows without leaving your home! The premiere of any new car is an event! What if it is BMW, Mercedes or Audi? It will be incredible and awesome! The purpose of this channel is to convey to the viewer the beauty of cars through music. Autoblogging in its usual sense is becoming a thing of the past, as the opinions of journalists have become dependent on representatives of car companies. With the help of music, the viewer himself can form an opinion about the car about which he watches the video on this channel. Music created by the author of the channel RoCars, purchased or taken from free sources. I try to visit all the largest Auto Shows and shoot beautiful shots from which I create original videos.