Ken Fink Creations


Hello there and thanks for visiting and watching my videos. I have always liked Christmas lights. Over time they have gotten more technically involved, which intrigued me all the more. The more videos I watched of other people doing this, the more I became interested in trying to figure out how to do them myself. The 2019 Linus and Lucy Christmas tree in our dining room was the start. If I messed that up, the only one that would know was my wife. But it worked and she liked it. So it was time to think bigger. I moved the idea to our back yard, built more props and tried it out on our neighbors. Seeing the neighborhood kids out there, dancing to the music and the lights gave me the encouragement I needed to keep going. So now it was time to move the display out to our front yard for all to see. Not much of a yard, but still thinking bigger. “Never Enough Lights”. I also found out this is the name of a website.

David Kennedy, DDS


Dr. David Kennedy practiced dentistry for over 30 years and retired from clinical practice in 2000. He is the Past President of the IAOMT and has lectured to dentists and other health professionals all over the world on the subjects of preventive dental health, mercury toxicity, and fluoride. Dr. Kennedy is recognized around the world as an advocate for safe drinking water, biological dentistry and is a recognized leader in the field of preventive dentistry. Dr. Kennedy is an accomplished author and director of the award-winning documentary film Fluoridegate.