Ascension: Book 1; me vs. You


My definition of ascension is to aspire beyond the egotistical energy of significance or insignificance as it relates to difference or indifference, or more simply stated, me vs. you. When you aspire beyond this energy you find the energy of essence and effervescence which is me and you. It is from this perspective of life that the 10 Commandments are no longer lofty, like easing into a warm bath, it and they just feel good. ***Copy and paste the link below in your browser or go to to get your own copy of my book Ascension: Book 1; Me vs You*** Hint: the more involved you become, the easier the game is to see!!!

Pokemon Rush

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Welcome to Pokemon Rush, the home of Pokemon Marble Racing! Pokemon Rush is ran by the same team as the hit channel, Toy Racing, so you can expect all sorts of marble tournaments, epic marble run tracks, all things marble racing. Whether it's a classic Pokemon Battle between Charizard, Blastoise, and Venusaur, or a huge marble race between new Pokemon from Pokemon Sword and Shield or even reenacting the best battles from Pokemon Lets Go on the Nintendo Switch, there is absolutely something here for all of the real Pokemon fans out there. We hope you subscribe and join our Pokémon Rush family! 👍