They show it very competently, in detail, from different angles and emphasize all the key points.

1 Follower

Aikido in Training. Vol 1 – Taijutsu • Ikkyo (1st Teaching) • Nikyo (2nd Teaching) • Sankyo (3rd Teaching) • Yonkyo (4th Teaching) • Gokyo (5th Teaching) Aikido in Training. Vol 2 – Taijutsu • Shiho-Nage (4 Corner Throw) • Kotegaeshi (Wrist Turn) • Kaiten-Nage (Rotary Throw) • Tenchi-Nage (Heaven-Earth Throw) • Kokyu-Nage (Breath Throw) Aikido in Training. Vol 3 – Taijutsu • Koshi-Nage (Hip Throw) • Irimi-Nage (Entering Throw) • Sumi-Otoshi (Corner Drop) • Aiki-Nage (Aiki Throw) • Tanto-Tori (Knife-Taking) Aikido in Training. Lost Techniques • Aiki-Otoshi • Men-Nage • Ganseki-Otoshi • Hiji-Waza (Osae, Nage, Kime ) • Ude-Garame • Juji-Garame

Table Size Productions

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"You love you, and Stalin and table size." -Google Translate 2017 Hello comrade! Welcome to Table Size Productions! This channel is dedicated to delivering semi-comedic (mostly) family friendly random content because frankly I'm stupid and have no clue how to structure a channel. Generic description text, generic description text, and more generic description text. You can find me on Steam @ (Note that if you want to add me please clarify in my profile's comment section that you want to friend me because of my channel as I tend to get random friend requests and I don't tend to accept those.)

"Pint-sized Playland: Peppy Pals, Playful Rhymes & Cartoon Capers"

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"Step into the enchanting world of 'Pint-sized Playland,' where our Peppy Pals bring Playful Rhymes and Cartoon Capers to life! 🌈🎶 Join us for a magical journey filled with laughter, learning, and the charm of nursery rhymes. Our playful videos are designed to captivate young minds, making education a joyful adventure. Subscribe now for a world of smiles and giggles that your little ones will adore! ✨👶 #PlayfulRhymes #CartoonCapers #KidsEntertainment"#GoodMorningRhymes #KidFriendlySunrise #NurseryRhymes #BrightStart #SunriseSerenade #CheerfulMelodies #AnimatedMorning #PositiveVibes #EducationalEntertainment #JoyfulDayAhead #RiseAndShine #KidsMusic #MagicalMornings #EarlyLearningFun #SunshineRhymes #HappyDayStarts #ChildrensEntertainment #RhymeAndShine #MorningMagic #KidsJoy #AnimatedSunrise #FamilyFriendly #StartWithSmiles #DayBeginnings #SunriseAdventures #HappyMelodies #KidApprovedMornings #RhymeTime #SunriseSpectacle 🌅🎶🌞