LaViaDellAnima (The Soul's Way)


Marco Missinato is a Creative Communicator who uses the power of his heart inspired creativity (Music, Words and Photography) to deliver supportive messages to people and to inspire others to dare into the voice of their heart, overcome the fears of limited beliefs and consequences, and, most importantly, to produce creative experiences that facilitate the release of blocked emotions within the human vessel. In Marco’s words: As we deepen into the experience of our Earthy Journey we become more and more aware of LIFE and our SELF. Our level of Appreciation increases, our Heart opens and we access more the Wisdom and the infinite Creative field of Source (Ourself from a non-physical higher level of appreciation). As we align with our true purpose and raise our level of Integrity we become more incorruptible, the products of our being/doing become more impactful and more LIFE’s supportive. As We Walk the Path we eventually find out that WE ARE the Path.

The Whole Bible, Every Truth, No Compromises


Our purpose is to glorify God by forming a local congregation of the Church of Christ which will carry out the great commission of the Lord Jesus Christ as revealed in the New Testament of the Word of God (Matthew 28:18-20 and Mark 16:15-16). This congregation will provide opportunity for Christian people to continue steadfastly in the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayers (Acts 2:42), and prepare them for works of service (Ephesians 4:12).

Cronista do Oculto


💀 Boas vindas ao Cronista do Oculto 💀 Histórias que sussurram no escuro. Mistérios que desafiam a realidade. Relatos que você talvez preferisse nunca ter encontrado… Aqui, cada conto é um portal para o desconhecido. Ficção ou verdade? Você decide. 🔪 Terror psicológico 📖 Contos sombrios 👁️ Mistérios e o inexplicável ⚠️ Atenção: Algumas histórias podem perturbar sua mente e fazer você questionar o que é real. Continue por sua conta e risco… 🎧 Para uma experiência imersiva, use fones de ouvido. 🚪 Se tiver coragem, inscreva-se. Mas lembre-se… algumas portas, depois de abertas, nunca mais podem ser fechadas.