Western Ohio Railway - Prototype Videos


The Western Ohio Railway is a freelanced model railroad company which I use to organize my railfanning interest. This channel has been created to share prototype videos made through the years. In recent years, most of my attention has turned to the Cincinnati Eastern Railroad operating on the Cincinnati District of the Norfolk Southern between Cincinnati and Portsmouth, OH. Railfans of this line affectionally know it as "The Peavine". In addition to the channel, I have a web site that describes my modeling plans, a full collection of my photos and a library of materials posted to facebook by other railfans of the Peavine. You can find this additional material at http://www.dlamb15.com/wo.

Fabio Fernandes


🇧🇷 O princípio de troca voluntária é a base do livre mercado, e com a qual os consumidores exprimem as suas preferências. Então por quê querem tanto limitar nossas escolhas como consumidores? Liberdade para Escolher é o primeiro programa em português dedicado à liberdade do consumidor. De novidades do mercado à leis e regulamentações. Cada semana, Fabio traz de forma leve e com entrevistas, os assuntos mais quentes que afetam os consumidores, para você ficar bem informado. ------------------------- 🇺🇸 The principle of voluntary exchange is the basis of the free market, and with which consumers express their preferences. So why are policymakers so keen to limit our choices as consumers? Freedom to Choose is the first program in Portuguese dedicated to consumer freedom. From market news to laws and regulations. Each week, Fabio brings you in a light and enjoyable way the hottest topics that affect consumers, so you are always well informed.