Mind's Eye Inkarnate


This is a Movie Review channel by an Industry Insighter of Horror Cinema, unafraid to debunk long-standing fallacies propagated as Gospel Truth. \\\\\\\'One man\\\\\\\'s treasure…\\\\\\\' I suppose. Its continuing mission is to shed light on hidden treasures that\\\\\\\'ve slipped between the cracks through retrospectives, the genre\\\\\\\'s origins, and connecting the dots that you never knew drew the Bigger Picture on the Silver Screen. Join the Mind\\\\\\\'s Eye as a trip down memory lane proves more revealing than nostalgia may suggest. Stay Tuned!

IVALA® - 3D Veterinary Anatomy - Promo Verified


Our patients are 3-dimensional, and the problems we deal with on a daily basis as a practitioner require us to engage with them that way. Like which way you need to derotate a stomach during a GDV; or the neuroanatomy that might be diseased given an abnormal cranial nerve reflex; or which way we need to tilt our ultrasound probe to give us a better view of the left adrenal. To date however, the overwhelming majority of teaching material has focused on these concepts in just 2-dimensions. A concept that should be straightforward to understand, commit to memory & ultimately utilise for the benefit of our patients, all of a sudden isn’t. We’re on a mission to change that. Join now: https://www.ivalalearn.com