Nancy Telfer ~ Spiritual & Wellness Coach


Nancy Telfer is a Dragon Resonance Healer, Quantum Light Coach and author of The Choice is YOURS. She shares different processes that you can implement in your life immediately! This life is about releasing what no longer serves you so that you can hold more LIGHT. When you are able to hold more LIGHT, you increase your frequency to be able to go to higher dimensions. Looking at life as if it is a video game and within the game is challenges to over come, Nancy assists the listeners to release whatever is causing resistance within the 'game'. Each level of this game of life has it's challenges and the higher you get the easier the challenges are to overcome. YOU have the power within you to transform your life. The processes offered on this channel unlocks the power you have always had. Together (your Soul & the Beings of LIGHT) the KEYCODES are called upon to unlock your true potential. Speaking Soul Language (Light Language) these KEYCODES will do the magic. Many blessings 🐉❤️🎶💫

Dr. Nancy Lin


Dr. Nancy Lin, Ph.D. is a Holistic Nutritionist, who believes in honest and optimum wellness through fundamental lifestyle practices. Dr. Nancy believes in an integrative, comprehensive, and functional approach to your body and brain’s best ability with emphasis on addressing the root cause of health issues, not just treating symptoms. Her use of food with dietary supplements, and functional movement are at the core of what she preaches. Dr. Nancy’s clients learn how to incorporate her 5 Pillars of Health into their lives and the lives of their families, including adopting her unique” Medi-Merican” diet for more pain free, energetic, and happier living.