GMN Holistic Medicine with Doc RJ and Doc Nan - Tagalog


GMN Holistic Medicine with Doc RJ and Doc Nan - Learn how we can be health with the holistic medicine Doc RJ will teach us how we do it and how we can be healthy always. VISIT US IN FACEBOOK - Hi there, You are invited to Doc RJ Zoom Online Consultations Every MONDAY, 05:00 PM to 07:00 Manila Time Register to join in Doc RJ consultation. Limited Slots only Click the link : After registering, the Zoom Link will show on the next page click it to open the zoom and join the consultation. You will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the consultation meeting. This link will be use in every Online Consultation so Save it. Please Do not share the zoom meeting link to others, it is exclusive for you only! Better share the registration link if you invite other people to consult in Doc RJ. Thanks! GMN Social Network :

Auto-Hemoterapia por Doutor Luiz Moura


Auto-hemoterapia é uma imunização com o nosso próprio sangue. É um tratamento eficaz sem efeitos colaterais que ameniza o sofrimento e pode prevenir e curar muitas enfermidades. Blog Auto-Hemoterapia por Doutor Luiz Moura: . O que é Auto-hemoterapia? . Auto-Hemoterapia. Contribuição para a Saúde. Conversa com Dr. Luiz Moura. . Dr. Luiz Moura . Breve Histórico . (i)Legalidade . Benefícios x riscos . Experiência . Argumentações a Favor x contra . Conclusão . Artigos . Publicações . Casos documentados . Relatos separados por enfermidades . Links BLOG ►

The Word of God through Jesus Christ TV Network


Raw & UNcut Bible Teaching for every person's Spiritual Life and Practical Life...NOT SURFACE TEACHING! The Broadcasts are from The Word of God,TJC,S&O TV Productions,and includes many different guests in The 5-Fold Ministry. You can share Love Offerings to help us as we focus on Street & Outreach Ministry Missions. Our CASH APP link is: $TheWordofGodTJCSOMin God Bless you,and to view The Ministry's website,click on: for 24 hour prayer,call: (475) 300-3850,24 hours ©copyright 2022 THE WORD OF GOD,THROUGH JESUS CHRIST, STREET & OUTREACH MINISTRY**++ALL RIGHTS RESERVED++ #FOLLOWTHEHOLYGHOSTANDNOTMAN #READTHEBIBLEBECAUSETHETRUTHISINTHERE #THE5FOLDSPIRITUALAVENGERSOFTHEHOLYGHOST #MODERNDAYAPOSTLEALLENECOLEMANJR (475)300-3850**Incorporated in CO,CT,IN,NC,SC,MS,TN,TX,WI** ~PLEASE EXCUSE ANY AND ALL TYPOS THAT YOU SEE IN THIS DOCUMENT~