Moon Investments


Our vision is to be the launchpad for a generation of empowered investors, illuminating their path to financial freedom by democratizing financial knowledge and fostering a thriving investment ecosystem. In pursuit of this vision, we empower individuals with the knowledge, resources, and community to become confident and successful investors. We deliver university-grade education, a collaborative trading club for knowledge sharing, professional investment guidance and wealth advisory, inspirational content on investing and trading, and affiliate programs with leading world brokers and investment and trading platforms. Links:

ROOM 101 - What science fiction got right about our future


ROOM 101 TEASER Did you ever wonder how 1984 really stacked up to what's going on right now? Or Brave New World? Invasion of the Body Snatchers? We dive into the 1000s of science fiction, scifi-horror, and speculative fiction books and movies that hit the nail on the head or swung and missed trying to predict the future that is NOW. Our future. Welcome to ROOM 101. Get ready for the first episode called "Orwell, Huxley, and Finney Walk into a Bar..." out first week of January, 2022. Presented by Mike T. Lyddon and RPLLC.