HallMack TV


HallMack Gorilla mit Schnauze! Politisches und satirisches kommentiert von einem absoluten Spezialisten! Achtung! Nicht ganz dialektfrei! Meine lieben Zuschauer, willkommen auf meinem Kanal. Hier kommentiere ich aktuelle Geschehnisse. Natürlich alles mit einem Augenzwinkern. Gebt mir einen Kaffee aus: https://ko-fi.com/hallmack Ein herzliches Dankeschön an jeden, der meine Arbeit freiwillig finanziell unterstützt und somit weiterhin ermöglicht: https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=SNEBKVPF22Q4C

Jadon MacCormack Verified


Hello, my name is Jadon MacCormack. I stay strict and strong in the word of God. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and by faith through grace I am saved by Him and going to heaven 100%! GET SAVED because you could pass away soon or even TODAY! Afterwards follow the Lord strictly by: 1. Getting Baptized (Immersion) 2. Reading the Authorized Version Holy Bible in English from 1769 better known as the KJV translated by the Texus Receptus. (Watch out from Bibles in any language that refuse to use this manuscript, even the NKJV makes salvation a process) 3. Joining a NIFB church that preaches God's word. Online resources are out there on the subjects I cover, however I have expertise in what I teach so you will get a genuine answer, May God bless all those who heed my suggestions! NIFB - OPSEC - CREATIONIST - GODLY BUSINESSMAN

The goal of our channel is to create high-quality videos that focus on Tips & facts, Motivational & the past, present, and future of basic Islamic videos


The goal of our channel is to create high-quality videos that focus on Tips & facts, Motivational & the past, present, and future of basic Islamic videos. One of our main goals has always been to show our fellow Non-Muslims that Islam is truly a peaceful religion, and to show kindness to all, as the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W) said, "Behave with the people in a respectful manner because our actions represent Islam" Our videos take a considerable amount of time to create, a 2 - 5 -minute video could take a week or less (Long Video) to complete, we will try to add subtitles to most of the videos, and all our videos have an intro to get the audience engaging, this is very time-consuming, but we do it for our dedicated audience. Thank you for your subscription and for visiting here. lOTS OF LOVE❤️️

Neil Cross Subliminals


Vocalist, Graphic Designer & Subliminals Content Creator (Science & Technology). Hello, my name is Thiago Roda and I am brazilian. I started studying biokinesis and subliminals at the end of 2014, after listening a lot to them, and perceiving that they really works, when we give right dedication. They changed a lot my prospective of life. So I decided to help out people creating some subliminal gifts, plz enjoy its effects! I love to sing and I hope you like the catch of the songs I wanted to cover the vocals. (Neil Cross Metal) on YT! #Biokinesis (plz read description on Playlist Section) #Subliminals #Frequencies #Meditations Yours truly, Neil Cross Subliminals SOME OF THE VIDEO Animations By: AA VFX - PLZ ACCESS HERE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCilPIl-SwFbtsoH8WLnvlfA Songs By; YouTube Content Creators. Rights Reserved. * ONLY PAID REQUESTS by PAYPAL! * Subliminal Requests Please Contact at: thiagoroda@hotmail.com Subject As Urgent! or Instagram DM @ncsubliminals