Bitcoin for Millennials - With Bram Kanstein


Subscribe to learn why Bitcoin is the most important thing you should study💡 Hi! 👋 I'm Bram Kanstein, Bitcoin enthusiast and creative internet entrepreneur. I believe in the technology and promise of Bitcoin as a fair and open money network that will change the world for the better. To learn more about its impact and help my generation understand its importance, I started the 'Bitcoin for Millennials' podcast and share videos with thoughts on Bitcoin on this channel. Prefer listening on your favorite podcasting app? Find all links on

Mills Ammunition


Mills Ammunition is a small arms ammunition company established in 2020. We are based in Huntersville, North Carolina in the U.S.A. Currently, we offer pistol ammunition with plans to build a rifle caliber offerings summer of 2021. We are veteran owned and deeply patriotic. We are strong believers in the Bill of Rights and that the 1st Amendment needs the 2nd Amendment. This means that we started Mills Ammunition to build high quality ammunition with the best components at fair price. We believe that every time you shoot a firearm, it is a training opportunity. So, shoot quality ammunition. We are continually evaluating our loads and always trying to make the best round we can offer to our customers. It is important that Mills Ammunition is a true lifestyle brand, and we want our customers to be part of the tribe and not just a buyer of our product.

Homes Around The Villages, FL - With Ira Miller


Ira has worked in The Villages area for over 20 years. He worked for the developer of The Villages for 8 and a half years before moving on to ERA/Grizzard Realtors. In those 20 years Ira has sold over 700 homes mostly in The Villages but since joining ERA/Grizzard he has sold and listed homes outside of The Villages as well. Ira\\\'s philosophy is to give the best customer service that anyone can provide in Real Estate; that is number one. Anyone can sell a home but following up with folks, calling people back and going above and beyond the call of duty whether with his listings or servicing buying clients is what it is all about for Ira. Ira doesn\\\'t just have buying clients, he sells homes to friends that started out as clients. So give him a call; you\\\'ll have a friend in Real Estate.

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