Homeschool Math


Hello. My name is Jeff and I graduated as a home educated student way back in 1983. Years later, I returned to school while I was in my mid-forties and received my degree in education. I have used IXL as a curriculum for several years now and have created videos to support my instruction of the IXL activities I use in my classroom. Realizing that many home educated students might benefit from my videos, I have decided to post them here on Rumble. Note that the video titles match the IXL activates they refer to and also have the special three-character codes used on the IXL website. Most videos are for algebra and I will continue to add videos as I create them. Enjoy.



Here are your positive daily affirmations to help you to develop your positive mindset. The Law of Attraction is activated by the power of our subconscious mind. I\'m Addison the Ambassador Manager for Daily Affirmations 247. I\'m just curious, do you like the Law of Attraction? We are giving away copies of our Dream Life Manifestation program to new followers as a thank you! If I gave you the link would you check the program out?

The Oracle of Athena


This channel will focus on Mathematical, Logical, and Philosophical topics, especially paradoxes and conundrums that I think will engage a large segment of the people who have an above average interest in such things. I will occasionally stray into other areas that have logical or mathematical roots or for which I believe I can share an important and interesting insight. The views and solutions presented are uniquely my own, based upon my experiences and thoughts and analysis concerning a topic. Because most ideas are wrong as I have been reminded, you will probably find weaknesses in the ideas presented on this channel. However, that may be the price we pay for focusing on our own thoughts about a topic. If you are looking for the high probability presentation or opinion, you are not likely to find it here. That may mean that I am wrong more than right. You be the judge. I am hoping that instead of being right, I am presenting an interesting and useful perspective.



The transformation is happening, whether we like it or not. We are changing as individuals and as part of the bigger picture. It may take time to adjust to our increasing intuition and abilities while being cautious of those who try to deceive us or hold us back. We are becoming more sensitive, which leads to confrontations with our environment. With her videos, Mirjam inspires, guides and challenges you to stand your ground and become who you intend to be.