manai tautai


Šis ir ziņu kanāls cilvēkiem, kas meklē atbildes tālāk par informāciju, kas mūsdienās tiek pirkta un pārdota. Cilvēcei pieejamai patiesībai nedrīkst būt nekāda saistība ar naudas varu un korupciju. Mums ir jāzina patiesība, mums jāsaņem atbildes, tās ir jāmeklē, kā meklējam svaigu gaisu un brīvību. Šīs ir ziņas brīviem un labas sirdsapziņas cilvēkiem, mums, kas meklē patiesību un atmasko melus. Lai kāda būtu patiesība, to nedrīkst ignorēt! Kas mīl patiesību, mīl dzīvību un gudrību; tādi mīl cilvēcību, cilvēci un tās Radītāju. Patiesība dara brīvus... Это канал новостей для людей, которые ищут ответы на много дальше той информации, которая в наши дни покупается и продоется. Правде и истине доступной человечеству недолжно быть никакой связи с денежной властью и корупцией. Мы должны знать истину, мы должны получить ответы - ответы надо искать, как ищем свежий воздух и свободу(...) Kanāla darbības atbalsts(поддержка работы канала):

hand tool DIY


Woodworking tool hand tool DIY tool lifehack homemade tools Genius idea metal works experiment DIY idea inventions etc Our Video is made who are not able to buy tools you can try to make by yourself only if you are experienced and know how to use the hand tools. But the videos which are experimental are only for entertainment and educational purpose only. So don't try this in your home. And if you're trying to make any of the tools make sure to wear safety gear and it will be at your own risk.

Sun in the West is a charity to aid people in need! We work to be a light to people, just like the sun is to our planet


Sun in the West is a charitable organization here to help aid people in need! We work to be a beacon of light and warmth to people, just like the sun is to our planet. We are currently growing logistics for many areas of the world. It takes time and support! We are working to get the help, to the areas of the world that are normally ignored by Western media and Western charities. Information and awareness, are just as important to us, as donations. Therefore, please share and tell others about us, in order to help the awareness grow! If you are financially sound and are able to spare one or two dollars, we appreciate the donations as well. Let us all work together to bring about a warmer world, just like the sun does for us

Aqui você vai encontrar uma variedade de receitas, que podem ser servidas em todas as ocasiões e agradam a todos os paladares.Quando escolher uma receita para fazer faça com amor,isso torna o trabalho do cozinheiro mais divertido e a refeição mais in


Aqui você vai encontrar uma variedade de receitas, que podem ser servidas em todas as ocasiões e agradam a todos os paladares.Quando escolher uma receita para fazer faça com amor,isso torna o trabalho do cozinheiro mais divertido e a refeição mais interessante para quem você fez.Bom apetite