🕵️‍♂️ MAGA LIT with Brenna Jay 🐸


find MAGA LIT with Brenna Jay CHANNEL on BitCHUTE ONLY 🤳 VIDEOs: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/maga-lit-with-brennajayy I MAKE VIDEOS for we the PEOPLE! 🤳 4000 of them to be exact. The deep dives 🤿 I go on, make [ THE FALL OF THE CABAL ] look like SATURDAY MORNING CARTOONS. 📺 🐸 #truth is - this is #MAGA LIT w. Brenna Jay 🐸 💳 Support/Donate: https://cash.app/$MAGALITCHANNEL or VENMO @ B r e n n a J a y Find me on : 🤳 TS: https://truthsocial.com/@BrennaJay 🤳 Gab: https://gab.com/BrennaJayy 🤳 TG: https://t.me/BrennaJay 🤳 X: https://x.com/MAGALITCHANNEL

Two Doomed Men


Two friends discuss and debate the political, cultural and societal issues/news of the times. We also interview interesting guests, goof off for some fun episodes with friends, review TV Shows, Movies, Guns and other cool stuff. In addition we periodically host Funko POPcast specials, where we unbox and show our Funkos with other collectors. You can also listen to us on Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, iTunes, Spotify, and TuneInRadio. https://linktr.ee/Twodoomedmen (Support the show)- https://www.patreon.com/TwoDoomedMen

The One New Man


The One New Man podcast is a wide-ranging conversation about Israel, the Jewish people, the Church, and our cultural moment concerning these topics. It is an ongoing conversation between a Messianic Jew, John Myers, and a Gentile Christian, Christopher Kuehl. John is the founder of The Israel Story, and Chris is the founder of Present Witness. Together, they form the One New Man. You can expect conversations around Christian Zionism, biblical covenants, replacement theology, dispensationalism, covenant theology, church history, difficult verses related to these issues, election, salvation, the Israel / Palestinian conflict, and many other issues. We will also be interacting with arguments and positions all the way back from the church fathers to more modern thinkers like NT Wright and Karl Barth.

The Morgan Streetman Show


Thank you for watching The Morgan Streetman Show. Morgan, Roxanne and Pat George discuss everything from world, national and local issues to information from the unknown, and since Morgan is an attorney there probably be a little something from the law. The Morgan Streetman Show - Full Show - March 8, 2021 Check us out LIVE every Monday from 10 AM to 11 AM and 5 PM to 6 PM (E.T.) on www.MoneyTalk1010.com Follow us on Twitter: Morgan Streetman: twitter.com/mostreetman Roxanne Wilder: twitter.com/roxannewilder "We recommend that you exercise your brain at least once a week" #USA #News #2021