Kick Back Relax And Meditate


I made this channel because we all deal with some or not all of the conditions stated below.\n\nStress is defined as a state of mental or emotional strain caused by adverse circumstances You\\\'re not alone. At one point or another, most people deal with feelings of stress.\n\nAnxiety a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome\n\nDepression characterized by persistent sadness and a lack of interest or pleasure in previously rewarding or enjoyable activities.\n\nOverthinking is exactly what it means, thinking too much. When you think too much, instead of acting and doing things, you are overthinking.\n\nHopeless -feeling or causing despair about something. \n\nI upload videos mainly centered around smiling, healing, closing your eyes and meditating. Just know your not the only one dealing with these conditions. I myself , deal with depression, anxiety , and overthinking. Anxiety effects me the most. I\'ve tried supplements catered to anxiety ,CBD you name it. What worked the best was taking time in the car to breath. For example, before I go in that massive grocery store ; I would do some breathing exercises. then I would get out and be at peace. Without them sometimes I would leave the grocery store and you would swear I just got out the gym from sweating profusely. I just want to upload relaxing sounds on a dedicated channel to that goal specifically instead of them being mixed in with my other vids. Thank You Remember Relax Your Not Alone!!!

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The Way Back (w/ Mark Zaretti) Verified


Hi I'm Mark and welcome to The Way Back's Rumble Channel, home of our weekly Thursday 9pm Spiritual Discussion Live Show. The Way Back Group Ltd is a registered not-for-profit company established in 2018 based in the UK. I co-founded The Way Back to share spiritual inspiration, guidance, truth, and importantly support. We produce a weekly live show, podcasts, articles, books, videos, and even documentaries to help support positive, kind and spiritually awake people, just like you. I'm spiritual author Mark Zaretti and I invite you to enjoy our videos, like, comment and subscribe. Please do share with your friends and loved ones because we believe in helping the world to be a better place by sharing down to earth and practical spiritual guidance and inspiration, that can be put into practice with ease. Most importantly we want to help you to get the most out of your life and spiritual journey. Is it possible to have faith in something greater in your life without being religious? What is The Source, God and is it something that we can have in our lives without the shackles of religion? Is there more to life than just this physical existence? Join us as we shed light on important topics and hopefully make more sense of life, one video at a time. - I'll see you at the next live show! Mark

La misión de oración de Jackie G


Quiero que nos unamos con esta visión, juntos poder ayudar a aquellos más necesitados de la pobreza de alimentación y drogadicción, seguro que con el amor de Dios, juntos en el amor de nuestro Jesús, y con todos aquellos que se puedan unir a nuestra visión de la oración en el nombre de Jesús. Juntos podemos salvar una vida para una mejor solución en el camino de las misiones, de la oración de Jesús y las misiones. Si cada persona se une con su amor, como Cristo nos ama a todos nosotros. Con su ayuda se podrá ayudar a varias vidas.