Rastreadores Invictus


Monitoramento App de Rastreamento Alarme antifurto Central 0800 - Roubos e Furto Relatório de Posição Assistência Veicular Equipe de Apoio a Recuperação https://invictusrastreadores.com.br/ Contato Comercial: 11 93952-1580 Central de Atendimento: 11 4195-0859 11 94872-7774 Roubo e Furto: 0800 000 0177 0800 729 2225 Redes Sociais: https://www.facebook.com/Invictus-rastreadores-105412741955642 https://www.instagram.com/invictus.rastreadores/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqBcIEOYqr_MFN_SEzmJfdA

The Shore Hunter


Welcome to my channel, your ultimate destination for exciting fishing adventures and tips! Join me, Wayne, as I take you to explore the best fishing spots across the UK, tackle stormy seas and hunt for specimens on my home beach... 'The Mighty Chesil Beach' and The Bristol Channel, whilst also visiting some stunning locations across the UK and globe! Whether you're here for angling tips, gear insights, the thrill of the catch or just for entertainment, there's something for everyone. I'm also a Level 2 Angling Coach with Sea Angling Trust. Please don’t forget to like, subscribe and join me on this journey to reel in the big ones! 🎣