Oficjalny i jedyny kanał YouTube ks. Dominika Chmielewskiego


Oficjalny i jedyny kanał YouTube ks. Dominika Chmielewskiego Wszelkie materiały przedstawione na kanale KERCHARITOMENE są objęte prawem autorskim i podlegają ochronie na mocy „Ustawy o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych” z dnia 4 lutego 1994 r. (tekst ujednolicony: Dz.U. 2006 nr 90 poz. 631). Kopiowanie, przetwarzanie, rozpowszechnianie tych materiałów w całości lub w części bez zgody autora jest zabronione.

Hey You! Welcome to Kidibli, where we make learning fun and exciting! 🎉


Hey You! Welcome to Kidibli, where we make learning fun and exciting! 🎉 In every episode we’ll learn a different topic through a fun new adventure! Jobs such as Firefighters, Science topics, Nature wonders and Animals are just some of the few incredible journeys we’ll experience! Learning is fun! So hang on to your hats, we’re going to dance, to explore, to grow, to test our knowledge and most of all to experiment all we can on the field! 🚀 Let’s make our incredible world our playground!🌟 Get ready for a fun-filled educational experience! Don't forget to subscribe to my channel and hit the notification bell so you never miss a video! Ready, Set, Grow 🚀 Do not miss out on a brand new video for Kids episode every Friday! Kidibli © 2023 - All rights reserved

The SUP Angler


I am a teenage guy who loves the ocean and has a passion for the fish that live in it. You will see me, my dad, and my dog Kenai for many of my adventures and you will see why we have such a close bond. For those who don't know my name derived from the phrase SUP which stands for "Stand Up Paddle Board". We love the feel of these boards and it allows us to get closer to nature better than anything else we have used. Please follow my channel and tag along on all my adventures as I explore the flats and hunt for trophy fish! Also, follow me on Instagram and Facebook @thesupangler! Thanks all and God bless!

Il canale per chi vuole risvegliare il proprio genio


Il canale per chi vuole risvegliare il proprio genio, andare dentro alle notizie, capire che ciò che studiamo serve solo per addomesticarci. Si tratta del corso gratuito di Fabio Preti il Genio del Complottista. Se ti prendi la responsabilità di fare gli esercizi, di porti le domande e di trovare le risposte alle riflessioni che ti suggerisco, avrai a disposizione uno strumento potentissimo per imparare ciò che vuoi. Buon lavoro e buon divertimento.