John Titus The Importance of Central Bank Independence


President Joe Biden wrote a memo: The Importance of Central Bank Independence. It says: "nearly all advanced economies and many developing countries are now governed by independent central banks" James Corbett talks to returning guest John Titus about his new documentary series,The War for Bankocracy. Titus' documentary details the US Federal Reserve's recent push to escape its constitutional restraints, what such a move would mean, and why the bankers must be stopped before they achieve their Bankocracy. Join the Weekly Video Call Call 305-333-1925

GenX REFI (Retire Eventually Financially Independent)


Has the life you dreamed of as a kid in the 70\'s & 80\'s somehow seemed to slip away? If so, you\'re not the only one. We\'re here to let you know, you\'re not alone and that, through application of BRAVE principals we can reclaim the great life we envisioned. More than any other Generation, Gen X has been passed by. Social norms have changed fast with the introduction of sex, drugs and rock and roll; and economic purchasing power has remained flat with the move away from the Gold Standard and social stagnation has set-in where people have not been able to move up the social ladder. You might have to do a lot more rowing on your own, because the rising tide is only lifting certain boats....but, you can do it. You can reclaim the life you envisoned.

a photo*graphic experience


Visual Independence is an online photo channel located within the Bock-Schroeder Foundation Eco System. First launched in Paris in 2010, Visual Independence showcased rare and highly regarded fine art photography of the 20th century. Since that time Visual Independence has been mediating premium photographic works as a link between artists, administrators, museums, gallery owners, collectors, and enthusiasts of rare photographic prints. The Visual Independence channel showcases three extraordinary, rare, and collectible photos per day.