Home Studio Trainer


Your Home Recording coach for all things Home Recording. This channel is a support system for users of PreSonus Studio One. Johnny offers everything from Free personal videos to One-on-one Zoom sessions for all supporting members of the channel. Johnny is a well-known audio engineer, music producer, and educator. He is the creator of the popular Home Studio Trainer website and YouTube channel, which provides tutorials and tips on music production, mixing, and mastering. Johnny has over 20 years of experience in the music industry, working with a wide range of artists and genres. He has also been a speaker at various music conferences and has written many online instructionals for Facebook Groups and at HST-Homestudiotrainer.com Through his Home Studio Trainer platform, Johnny provides practical advice and insights to aspiring producers and engineers, helping them to improve their skills and produce professional-quality music from their home studios. He is highly respected in the PreSonus groups on Facebook and is known for his ability to explain complex technical concepts in a clear and understandable way.

Gardener Homesteader


Here at Black Pack Homestead we are all about growing our own food. Using natural permaculture and sustainable practices on our homestead and gardens. We would love to teach you how to grow Your own food. In our vlog style and how to videos. Our Motto is Faith, Food and Freedom. We raise rabbits for meat and pelts, coturnix quail for eggs and meat as well as chickens for eggs and meat. We raise our own food for several reasons. Number 1 is healthy nutrient dense food, Number 2 is knowing where your food comes from and Number 3 is sustainability and healing the land. I have Crohns Disease and through my 34 years of having this disease one thing I have learned is Nutrition is key. The American diet is full of processed fast food. Which is majorly lacking in nutrition. After beginning my journey eating whole nutrient dense food and as little processed food as possible. My health began to improve. Now that is not to say I am healed by any means. I still have bad days. It takes a long time to undo the years of damage that has been done by my previous diet. So join us on our journey as we heal ourselves and as much of our own food as we can. Thank you for following and rumbleing along. Take care and God\'s Blessings Always

Simple Acre Homestead


Hello Everyone We are Bert and Cindy. We are a family with 4 children and are living a simple life on just under 1 acre in South Western Ontario, Canada. Bert works full time outside of the home and Cindy homeschools our 4 children. Together we are homesteading our little piece of property by incorporating back to Eden permaculture gardening; raising smaller livestock from poultry/rabbits to larger animals like KuneKune pigs and Nigerian Dwarf Goats. Our goal is to become more and more self-sufficient and give our family a secure place to call home. Please subscribe and join us as we learn on this journey. For all enquiries please email us at simpleacrehomestead@gmail.com

Sleep Meditation for Women


Guided sleep meditation for women by women. Sleep Meditation for Women was created for those who identify as women or anyone who feels called to listen and improve their sleep. Find stress relief, reduce overwhelm, treat insomnia, fall asleep fast, and more when you tune in to Sleep Meditation for Women and let these guided meditations help you ease into a deep sleep peacefully. Brought to you by the Women’s Meditation Network and hosted by Katie Krimitsos. Get comfy, press play and let yourself be guided into dreamland. Get more meditation resources at our website: https://WomensMeditationNetwork.com FALL ASLEEP TO SLEEP MEDITATIONS FOR WOMEN ON OUR PODCASTS: Sleep Meditation for Women - https://open.spotify.com/show/6cZkuauS5Rqz0FpYnyV1ES Sleep Sounds for Women - https://open.spotify.com/show/4txcGl7CHoXHCw3AD43I7A

Seyoum Teshome


Seyoum Teshome is an Ethiopian geopolitical analyst and activist renowned for his prolific commentary on current, past, and future social, political, scientific, religious, economic, legal, historical, and cultural events and phenomena that affect Africa in general and East Africa in particular; especially, our beloved homeland, Ethiopia, and her twin, sovereign and independent sister-nation, Eritrea.. This channel is dedicated to provide an alternative platform for his valuable content where his Pro-Ethiopian, Pro-unity, Pan-African analysis and perspectives will find refuge from the unjustified and unrelenting harassment and censorship he now faces at the hands of globalist, cosmopolitan ruling class in the West who run Big-Tech platforms like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. Seyoum Teshome Fans Rumble channel encourages civil, respectful, positive discourses and discussions as it serves as a venue for peoples of Ethiopian and Eritrean origins to share their opinions, frustrations, concerns, expectations, life-experiences, aspirations, hopes, and dreams. This channel does not offer any professional advise, nor does it make claims of expertise in any general or particular area. Disclaimer: Seyoum Teshome Fans channel often refers to and uses materials and clips from various media, including, audio and videos of interviews, news, events, documents, discussions, printed materials, etc. of various contents from other sources, which may be copyrighted; such uses are for the sake of reference only, and in such materials, the credit goes to the copyright owner. This Rumble channel does not intend on infringing any entity’s intellectual property. Any discussions points, thoughts, views, assertions, perspectives, and opinions expressed by viewers and readers, be it in writing, graphically, vocally, or in any other way, do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this fan channel and/or its administrators; therefore Seyoum Teshome fans channel and/or its administrators are not responsible for contents that other individuals and entities may express, publish, post, voice, upload, distribute or transmit on Seyoum Tehome Fan’s Rumble channel and/or its website and comment section