Revisiting Ground Zero


A growing library of video files for viewers who are looking for unbiased, independent, nonpartisan, and authentic information regarding the September 11 Attacks. No politics, no ideology, no propaganda, no conspiracy theories either, no hypothesis. Just facts, and the images themselves disclose the most precious information. No affiliation, neither with any government organization, nor with the so-called 'truth movement'. These videos are an independent editor's cut. They are not the same as the director's cut, whilst the final cut privilege is held by the government anyway.

GrindSultan Verified


- Posted up at the honeycomb hideout. Life is not about get in where you fit in. It's all about live it how you make it. No molds barred, always watching the watchers. - Donate: - Current Computer Games Library: Escape From Tarkov, Tarkov Arena, Trials Rising, Euro Truck Simulator 2, Rainbow 6 Siege, Metro 2033 Redux, Metro Last Light Redux, Metro Exodus, 7 Days To Die, DayZ, Dirt Rally, The Forever Winter, Hardspace Shipbreaker, Hunt Showdown 1896, Insurgency Sandstorm, Mud Runner, PUBG Battlegrounds, Road To Vostok, Rust, Sons Of The Forest, Squad, Subnautica, Russian Village Simulator, The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt, Farcry 6, Arma: Reforger, Project Zomboid. * ABSOLUTELY NO SOLICITING * * ABSOLUTELY NO BACKSEAT GAMING * - I will ask for your help if I need it. I like figuring things out on my own, it's part of the experience and the fun. - I'm not here faking it to take it like so many others are. You get no gimmicks, you get the genuine, honest, accountable me. I'm just here to game not for any fame. - I'm here broadcasting live because...why not. If I meet others that enjoy geekin, kickin back, chatting or linking in game that's cool too. - I DO NOT DO FOLLOW FOR FOLLOW OR LIKE FOR LIKE, THAT'S TACKY, SELFISH & DISINGENUOS OF YOU. - If you're mentally unable to take part in two way open dialog and run away from a genuine conversation, kick rocks. I don't run with or keep company with sissies. - Check me out here as well. It's where I livestream: