In affinity with cutting-edge graphic novelists like Grant Morrison and Alan Moore, Galactic History unites 3 of the most provocative pioneers in their prospective fields. - World renown multi-media artist James Mathers, whose work is in the private collections of Nicolas Cage, Billy Zane, Eric Idle and Marina Guinness (to name a few)... - Music & story by Herwig Maurer (\'Apocalypto\', \'Passion of the Christ\', Mankind Liberation Front)... - Story and narration by Stewart Swerdlow, formally of the infamous secret government program, the Montauk Project, an off-shoot of the Philadelphia Experiment. - Stewart Swerdlow has authored 15 books and is an expert in mind control deprogramming. A gifted Hyperspace Intuitive, he has the ability to see auric fields and personal archetypes as well as read DNA sequences and mind-patterns. He is a Doctor of Alternative Healing and Deprogramming with a Medical License in Indigenous Medicine. His great-uncle, Yakov Sverdlov, was the first president of the Soviet Union. To ensure that his family\'s loyalties stayed with the U.S. government, he was “recruited” as a child for specific government mind-control experiments, including 13 years at the Montauk Project, which enhanced his natural abilities. His mission is to help others heal themselves in a positive way, thus avoiding the negativity he experienced. - Maurer and Mather\'s bios coming soon. In the meantime, more on James Mather\'s can be found here -

The Global Sentinel News Channel


The Global Sentinel is a news channel that focuses on the intersection of military affairs, religion, and politics. Here’s a concise description: Mission: The Global Sentinel aims to provide comprehensive coverage and analysis of global events related to security, faith, and governance. Content Areas: Military Matters: In-depth reporting on defense strategies, armed conflicts, and military technologies worldwide. Religion: Exploration of religious movements, interfaith dialogues, and the impact of faith on geopolitics. Politics: Insightful commentary on political developments, international relations, and policy decisions. Approach: The Global Sentinel emphasizes responsible reporting, fostering dialogue, and promoting informed decision-making.

Beyblade Galaxy


Este canal foi criado para apresentar o hobby Beyblade em detalhes. Considerando que é uma franquia com 20 anos, muitas pessoas de todas as idades têm interesse em conhecer mais a respeito de um dos hobbies de batalha mais populares do Japão que se estendeu para o resto do mundo. Aqui apresento cada peça nos unboxings, explicando o funcionamento, além de pôr à prova cada lançamento para verificarmos como as mecânicas funcionam. Com uma abordagem mais técnica do hobby, este não é um canal direcionado às crianças, contudo, não tem idade para curtir e colecionar! ^_^b

Global Christian Prophetic Channels


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Global Freedom Network


Global Freedom Network GFN At GFN we are committed to bringing the truth, fighting for Freedom and exposing government tyranny. Stay tuned for more great content. Please help support us. Anything is appreciated very much and helps us create more and better content. Below are the ways you can support us. Thank You ❤ #freetheworld Send funds through email money transfer or PayPal account here 👇 Pearceh /@/ live. com Bitcoin bc1qmexeuwy5qc4858j292rk2kh38ak5gsyekxu3qgvdr2y03n5jv92s8s2ydg Check out our Spring store for awesome merchandise Follow me on the Kid Carson app under PearceH