Human Consciousness Support (Official) Verified


One can check out and share these resources to help write letters, send prayers, and more for Dr Young. Thank you~ ---- HOW TO PURCHASE: Contact Who Told You About MasterPeace for their Affiliate Link. Click that to get into our site. This is the ONLY way you can create an account with us. MasterPeace Nano Zeolite Plus Marine Plasma is a Zeolite and Detox Game-Changer. You’ve likely read our front page or heard about MasterPeace and know a bit about the formula. But what is it with these particular ingredients that together makes MasterPeace a synergistic harmonious breakthrough in holistic detoxification? As you read, you’re encouraged to understand that your body does the healing and is your healer. MasterPeace helps this natural process by taking out the bad and replacing it with the good. That goodness is Marine Plasma, which is identical to your very own blood plasma. MasterPeace Consists Of Three Parts: Marine Plasma: The most complete, harmonious and highly bioavailable source of minerals, fatty acids and trace elements.Marine Plasma holds the mineral matrix and nutritional blueprint found in blood plasma across many of the worlds’ inhabitants, including humans. It can be used safely for blood transfusions since its makeup is so like the foundational plasma of the blood, if not exactly alike. Marine plasma is not just sea water or rehydrated rock salt. It is a life-processed and life-sustaining organic mineral-rich plasma of the highest grade and compatibility with living beings. In this form these nutrients are mostly in the nanometer to sub-nanometer or picometer size range, which creates unparalleled bio-availability when ingested. Clinoptilolite Zeolite: The Master Purifier/Binder of virtually all known toxins in a perfect dense size range which when ingested goes everywhere in your body. Clinoptilolite Zeolite is a strongly negatively charged natural detoxifying mineral that has a hollow and vast inner-cage structure. Most poisons are positively charged, so they magnetically bind firmly to the Zeolite. Heavy metals tend to stick in your negatively charged body, but the zeolite has a much stronger negative charge than your body so the poisons stick to the zeolite instead! Research on PubMed indicates improved effectiveness of Clinoptilolite Zeolite in binding a broader range of poisons when it’s combined with natural and healthy minerals, like you find in MasterPeace. This is called modifying the surface of the zeolite with natural organic minerals. The Marine Plasma assists the Zeolite, allowing it to bind to a more diverse range of tissue poisons. Subtle Aether Energy: Incorporating the Harmony of Creation. The Aether can be described as a sea of energy that surrounds, permeates and connects us and the world. The subtle aether energy that is all around us, is brought into harmony with the MasterPeace formula via water structuring, energetic treatment, and the dissolved mineral and zeolite crystals in MasterPeace. The dissolved minerals and zeolite are all crystals, and crystals as a category tend to resonate with this subtle and intelligent aether energy. These tiny crystals, plus the crystalline structured-water they’re dissolved in, give the MasterPeace formula a deep energetic relationship with the Creation around us, even just while sitting on your shelf. This is the same relationship our wonderful bodies have, when acting in their higher capacities, in a robust way. This may explain why you are likely to feel more “tuned in” in many aspects of your life while taking MasterPeace. What’s All That Mean? The natural master binder at nano size paired with Marine Plasma nutrition at sub-nano size, is a breakthrough in holistic detoxification! MasterPeace has been tested by Naturopathic Doctors and Live Blood Analysis to have a highly significant effect. MasterPeace has been tested by master kinesiologists and it comes out as a universal remedy for humanity. The testimonials in just a short period are a testament to its gentle yet profound impact on our bodies and lives. No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, MasterPeace will help you become the best version of YOU!

The Truth About Vaccines


Ty and Charlene Bollinger are Christians, filmmakers, authors, and health freedom advocates getting the truth out into the world one docu-series at a time. The Truth About Cancer (TTAC) and The Truth About Vaccines (TTAV) are 2 notable films they have produced to date. TTAC has reached over 20 million people worldwide through their docu-series films. With your help, we will reach BILLIONS and save A LOT more lives. Join us! Let’s stop the misinformation about vaccines and reveal the truth about both sides of pro and anti-vaccine debate. ➡️

Dr. Edward Group


Dr. Group is a world-renowned natural health expert, best-selling author, and frequent guest on radio and television. Seeking to share the TRUTH on an uncensored platform, he is disclosing the information that the medical industry does NOT want you to know. As a healer and alternative health advocate, Dr. Group has dedicated his life to helping others. Dr. Group’s mission is to identify and eliminate the root cause of disease. He is the founder and CEO of Global Healing, an industry leader and innovator in the field of natural health. Through his company and his media appearances, Dr. Group is spreading his message of positivity, hope, and wellness throughout the world.

Созидательное общество


«Созидательное Общество» — это проект всего человечества. Главная цель этого проекта: ПОСТРОИТЬ В МАСШТАБАХ ВСЕГО МИРА СОЗИДАТЕЛЬНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО, в котором Жизнь Человека является наивысшей ценностью. Сегодня у нас есть возможность в кратчайшие сроки, мирным путём вывести нашу цивилизацию на новую ступень эволюционного развития. Давайте вместе создавать Будущее, которого достойно человечество! Всю информацию о проекте «Созидательное Общество» можно найти на сайте: Связаться с нами:

John J. Mearsheimer Official 2023


John Joseph Mearsheimer is an American scholar of international relations best known for his theory of offensive realism. He was born on December 14, 1947 in New York City1. After graduating from the United States Military Academy (West Point) in 1970, Mearsheimer served for five years as an officer in the air force, rising to the rank of captain. He received a master’s degree (1974) in international relations from the University of Southern California, as well as a master’s degree (1978) and a Ph.D. (1981) in government from Cornell University1. In 1982 he became a professor of political science at the University of Chicago, where he was appointed the R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science in 19961. Mearsheimer’s books include Conventional Deterrence (1983), which won the Edgar S. Furniss Jr. Book Award; Nuclear Deterrence: Ethics and Strategy (co-editor, 1985); Liddell Hart and the Weight of History (1988); The Tragedy of Great Power Politics (2001), which won the Lepgold Book Prize; The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy (2007); and Why Leaders Lie: The Truth About Lying in International Politics (2011).