Health, nutrition, food and homeopathy as medicine
75 FollowersHealth, nutrition, food and homeopathy as medicine
Health, nutrition, food and homeopathy as medicine
Club Shay Shay is a weekly podcast hosted by Shannon Sharpe – 3x Super Bowl champion, member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Each week Shannon will sit down with athletes, celebrities and influencers to break down, analyze and discuss the latest headlines in sports, pop culture and everything in-between. Get on the VIP list at Club Shay Shay NOW and never miss an episode!
💋 Lose weight & reverse-age despite chronic illness! 🦋 Hashimoto's Recovery Specialist 🧪 Pept!d€s Research | Root Cause Micro Coaching
I made an islamic channel on rumble where you can see all islamic types videos plz make sure to subscribe my channel thank you ❤️
A comedy podcast focusing on the counterculture of modern America.
Guided meditations, relaxing music and sounds to help you find your zen.
Mais do que uma religião, o Islã é uma doutrina ideológica completa, que rege os aspectos da vida de muçulmanos e não-muçulmanos. O Islã é a única "religião" com uma teologia com regras para a conquista e subjugação dos ‘não muçulmanos’, consolidadas na Lei Islâmica, a Sharia. O objetivo do Islã é implementar a Sharia em todo o mundo. *** NÃO QUEREMOS SHARIA NO BRASIL. ***
The Majority Report is a daily political talk show at, live at 12PM ET. Call the show after 12:30PM ET at 646-257-3920. Available on iTunes or the site as a podcast.
проповеди, ислям, islam, İslam, Müslüman, BG, Allah, Muhammed АБОНИРАЙТЕ СЕ ! Ние сме RE:TV HD Ако сте пропуснали ! Каналът е с 100 % Българско участие ! НЕ Изнасяме Капитали в Чужбина ! Подпомагнете малките медий а не централните който са спонсорирани от държавата и други страни. Подкрепете ни като се Абонирате за канала ! Лекцийте който представяме са събрани от достоверни източници за достовереноста и истиността им носят съответните автори RE:TV HD не се ангжира със авторство (с изключение на авторски) или който и да е друг начин със показването ! Не Всички видеа са актуални Ние сме ре тв / повтаряме нови и стари / Предаваме лекцийте каквито са Нямаме намерение да Ви убеждаваме да преимате Религията ! За истинността на видеата носят техните автори ! Коментарите в канала изразяват личното мнение на потребителите и може да не съвпада с позициите на ретв. SUBSCRIBE ! We are RE:TV HD In case you missed it! The channel has 100% Bulgarian participation! We do NOT export capital abroad! Support the small media and not the central ones that are sponsored by the state and other countries. Support us by subscribing to the channel! Comments in the channel express the personal opinion of users and may not coincide with the positions of retv. RETV RePlay ReView TV Канала е собственост на РЕТВ ! This Chanel is property of RETV !
Shaman, Writer, Journalist, Natural Healing From MK Ultra, Mind Control, Targeting and the Secret Space Program. Exposing Satanism. Also, Herbal Remedies, Flower Essence, Crystals, Reiki, Workshops, Save The Children And You Will Save The World. website:
Answers in the 13-year search for Madeleine McCann may be a step closer with the news that police have identified a German paedophile as a suspect.OR IS IT another false dawn? ad study group will deep dive it all together
All about Islam
Journalist | OSINT & OPSEC Specialist | Darknet Expert (Ex Vendor & DNM Admin) | DEFCON/SANS Speaker | Youtuber | Social Engineer | Author | Paralegal
Documenting and reporting on the hoax known as "islamophobia" - how global jihad used this propaganda to destroy our freedom of speech
Islamic Audiobooks Central has been creating/publishing audiobooks for over a decade. Find our books on Google Play (DRM-free), Apple Books, Spotify, Audible, on our website, YouTube, Odysee, Rumble and in public libraries! Find us on open source platforms like Matrix, Nostr and Mastodon.
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. Ephesians 5:11 If you would like to support our ministry
I am Islamic.Socialist, I am a Muslim, a philosopher, a communist, a militant survivalist, a teacher, small business owner, experienced organizer and leader, and cyber security specialist. I have studied everything I could in politics, history, economics, survivalism, religion, cyber security and more. There is nothing dominating my mind except for undermining and opposing tyrants and traitors to humanity. Why study and devote this hard? Because nothing else matters except the fall of evil and such a task demands the highest sacrifice and efforts of those who commit to it, which means not only must I devote all my efforts to it, I must also weaponize all knowledge and capabilities to be the most effective I can be. Follow Substack & Telegram
Islamic Videos For All The Ummah.
Hi Beloveds! God had me walk the single journey purposely for over a decade, and I am now a walking, breathing testimony that God is the ultimate matchmaker! This channel was born in the hopes that I might come alongside, single Christian females just as I was, and encourage you in faith that the Lord has the perfect person for you as well. Welcome to the family sister!
ISLAM ER EN RELIGIØST DREVET POLITISK IDEOLOGI Det er der heldigvis flere og flere, der er ved at opdage, MEN... Da jeg i sin tid opdagede Islams Sande DNA, var der én ting, jeg undrede mig over: HVORFOR ER DER EN HIMMELRÅBENDE MANGEL PÅ DOKUMENTATION??? For hvis kritikken skal give en ordentlig respons, skal den naturligvis være veldokumenteret... Savner du også information, der er solidt underbygget? Vil du gerne have viden, du kan bruge i samtaler i dagligdagen? Så er du kommet til rette sted, for uanset hvad der kommer herfra: VI HAR KILDERNE I ORDEN! Velkommen til Hjørnesparket - Islams Sande DNA! Abonnér - det koster GRATIS og hjælper kanalen til at være synlig...
Music reviews and opinions. Interviews. Movie reviews. Discussions about parenting, faith and religion. Original music and covers. Lets laugh, cry and grow.
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