

On this channel, you will find a series of topics related to the Science of Energism, or Self-Knowledge. Precise and ancient techniques are revealed to the public so that each person can access the path of the Inner Self-Realization. The knowledge unveiled from the highest degrees of masonry, as well as the correct keys to Awakening Consciousness. This is not about a religion, sect, political group, or secret lodge. In other words, the aim is to shed light on the mysteries of energy and its implications in a human being's life, from the physical to the spiritual, based on the THREE FACTORS FOR THE REVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS: TO BE BORN, TO DIE, AND TO SACRIFICE ONESELF FOR HUMANITY. We speak of an ancient knowledge, practiced by ancient Egyptians, Mayans, Aztecs, Hindus, Vedas, Tibetans, alchemists, among others. The wise Greeks taught: "KNOW YOURSELF AND YOU WILL KNOW THE UNIVERSE AND THE DIVINITY.

Energize This


Welcome to the Energize Battery Channel, your ultimate destination for all things battery-powered! Here, we dive deep into the world of batteries, exploring the latest in technology, tips for maximizing battery life, and innovative uses that power your everyday life. From lithium-ion to solar-powered batteries, we cover it all. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a DIYer, or just someone curious about the energy storage solutions shaping our future, this channel is your go-to source for insightful reviews, tutorials, and cutting-edge news. Join us as we energize your knowledge and inspire you to power up your world!

Mente y Energía


Bienvenid@ a MR. AWAKE, tu destino para emprender un viaje transformador hacia el despertar y la acción! Inspirados, nuestro objetivo es guiar a personas en todos los niveles de conciencia, desde el más profundo sueño hasta el pico de la iluminación. Aquí encontrarás contenido que no solo desafía el status quo, sino que también te equipa con las herramientas necesarias para liberarte de las cadenas que limitan tu potencial. Con un enfoque único que combina sabiduría ancestral y estrategias modernas, nos adentraremos en el corazón de temas que importan: desde la superación de obstáculos emocionales y espirituales hasta la DECODIFICACION DEL MUNDO QUE NOS RODEA a través de una perspectiva 'hacker conspiranoica'. Nuestra misión es liberar el mundo, una mente a la vez, promoviendo el crecimiento personal, el empoderamiento y la conciencia global.