Savvy Finance


Welcome to "Savvy Finance 🤝\n\nThis channel is all about being savvy with your finance 💰.\n\nWe create and share videos about investments and how best you can put your money to use, in order to bring in more money.\nWe love ₿ cryptocurrencies and the stock market and so, we share a lot of crypto and stock market videos 🗠\n\nWe share genuine investment opportunities that you can implement to make a good ROI on your investment 💵.\n\nWe do a lot of research to bring you valuable and useful information, as well as sharing videos from many experts 👨‍🏫.\n\nThanks for checking us out. We hope you will hang around. 🙏

Vocational Science of Freedom


Please download the VSOF Welcome Package, follow the instructions within and join our community of American Sovereigns on - Revolt. e-mail the Welcome package back to ✅Revolt link is in Welcome Package 🔵🔴🟢🟠The VSOF Mission Statement: To perpetuate and grow a community of teachers, scholars, writers, and students that create, learn and teach a complete and innovative curriculum of American civics coupled with autodidactic learning, in the quadrants of Self-Awareness, Self-Government, Self-Defense, and Self-Reliance, for the betterment, freedom and perpetual sovereignty, of we the American people. 🦅 Goals of a VSOF Member: To live free and develop & perpetuate your own life curriculum, teaching the Vocational Science of Freedom, that is based always in truth, facts, science, your five senses, natural law, common law, and the freedom of one’s own spiritual will. ✅ If you do not write your own life script then by default you have let others write it for you. 🔊 If you wish to be OUT of this filthy law merchant system, then you have but one choice. Claim your Estate and correct your status as one of the people on the public record. ✅ To correct your status from that of being an infant and a citizen subject to congress, to being a sovereign who is one of the people of America, Go to this link and download the VSOF price sheet and get your status corrected. 🟠 The choice is yours. It always has been. You just were never told about the choice until now. You must choose your side. 🔵"The Natural Liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on earth, and not to be under the authority of man, but only to have the Law of Nature for his rule." John Locke ⚡⚡If you would like to donate crypto to the VSOF: Bitcoin: bc1qnj0c5r8kxrzv8gk3kqs5f5p887wzmv3p4prlwh Ethereum: 0x04aa87579F047B634023b5DC9EdeE386E66c0171 XRP: rEJ6ejdSrawoNvQfPVgQHca6rpdzypgduQ

Resistance ...-


Channel dedicated to regrouping and disseminating in different languages ​​(English, Spanish, French, Russian, Portuguese, German and Italian) videos and segregated, dispersed, censored, deleted and lost information on a multitude of topics so that you can elaborate YOUR TRUTH, and not " the truth" imposed by dictatorships. I ask for your patience, it takes many hours to search, research, view and read information, collect the most interesting information, edit it, send the content to my collaborators for translation and republish it in other languages. My sole purpose is to spread information, the more it is published, disclosed, disseminated, announced, communicated, dispersed and disseminated in different media, THE BETTER FOR EVERYONE. The truth is within each one and how you yourself interpret the information. "The tiger, the lion and the panther are harmless animals, while the chickens, the geese and the ducks are highly dangerous animals," an earthworm told her children. Bertrand Russell - A divided people is a lost people -

Lori Spencer


Radio personality, journalist, and historian Lori Spencer has been a media professional for more than 35 years. Her work appears in numerous daily and weekly newspapers, magazines, websites and blogs, including Yahoo News, Counterpunch, TruthOut, This Can’t Be Happening, OpEdNews, and The Education Forum, among others. You can see Lori's as a guest on the Kim Iversen show, George Galloway's Mother of All Talk Shows, and as a regular co-host on Maverick News. Support Lori's independent journalism at:

Americans for Intelligence Reform


Politically conservative, intelligent news; bringing you facts and analysis from a 25-year CIA officer. What mainstream media plays down or ignores, we cover in depth. Brad Johnson, now retired, brings his extensive first-hand knowledge from his domestic and international intelligence responsibilities. Elected officials have lost sight of the Rule of Law and public safety. and our international enemies wish to seek our destruction and domination. Developments in those arenas are covered regularly here and hosted by various media outlets. Please subscribe and share. Brad Johnson is President of Americans for Intelligence Reform and you can visit to learn more and for all video interviews and printed articles. Links

Alchemical Science


I’m Jordan, a self taught farmer, electrical engineer and physicist who conducts open source research in the areas of unified field theory, soil science, plant biology, radiant energy, neuroscience and the energy systems of the human body. I’m also a practicing Alchemist and so I try to employ a research methodology that’s informed and directed by the idea that there is a universal pattern that can be observed in all aspects of the natural world. My research is fully open source and no new ideas expressed in my videos can be patented.

Moriel TV Encore


Moriel is an international multi-faceted ministry of Jewish and non-Jewish regenerate believers one in Jesus the Messiah and is committed to the evangelization beginning with the Jews and also people of other faiths including Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and theologically deviant expressions of Christendom including Roman Catholicism (which we view as aberrational much as we deem Talmudic Judaism to be likewise largely unscriptural). Visit our Website at: