Speak English podcast with teacher Georgiana


Hi! I’m Georgiana, founder of SpeakEnglishPodcast.com My mission is to help you to speak English fluently and with confidence. Why is this podcast so different from any other program? With the Speak English Podcast: - you'll master English by listening and speaking without having to memorize any grammar rules. - You're going to acquire knowledge about the English culture and the language itself. - And most importantly, you'll discover valuable tips and tricks on how to speak English fluently. If there's something you can't understand, don't worry about it! Listen to each episode as many times as you need. You can read the TEXT at: SpeakEnglishPodcast.com Don't miss out on any of my Speak English podcast episodes. Every week there's a new episode. Start practicing your English listening and speaking skills with the Speak English podcast.

BeachBum Trading


Welcome to the BeachBum Trading YouTube Channel where we strive to help You Learn How to Trade so that you may achieve the Financial Freedom You Want and Deserve to be able live the BeachBum lifestyle and/or any kind of life that You would like to live! If you currently work a full time job, are a full time student, want to make your living from trading, or if you just want some additional income for your retirement, then the BeachBum Trading Channel is for You! Please check out all of the previous BeachBum Trading Videos and Playlists and … Please Click the Subscribe Button and the Bell Icon so that You are Notified and Never Miss an Episode of BeachBum Trading. Thank you again for visiting the BeachBum Trading Rumble Channel and Have a Great BeachBum day! ----- Disclaimer : This is not a financial or investment advisory, and is only for educational and entertainment purposes Don't consider buying or selling any stock without conducting your own due diligence.

Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin Timeless Teachings


These are the timeless teachings of Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin, Founder, Kenneth Hagin Ministries (Rhema.org) Rev. Kenneth Erwin Hagin was born on Aug. 20, 1917, in McKinney, Texas. Rev. Hagin was sickly as a child, suffering from a deformed heart and an incurable blood disease. He was not expected to live and became bedfast at age 15. In April 1933 during a dramatic conversion experience, he reported dying three times in 10 minutes, each time seeing the horrors of hell and then returning to life. In August 1934, Rev. Hagin was miraculously healed, raised off a deathbed by the power of God and the revelation of faith in God’s Word. Jesus appeared to Rev. Hagin eight times over the next several years in visions that changed the course of his ministry. In 1967, he began a regular radio broadcast that continues today as Rhema for Today. In 1968 Rev. Hagin published the first issues of The Word of Faith. That magazine, now produced nine times a year, has a circulation of over 200,000. The publishing outreach he founded, Faith Library Publications, has circulated worldwide more than 65 million copies of books by Rev. Hagin, Kenneth W. Hagin, Lynette Hagin, Craig W. Hagin, and several other authors. Faith Library Publications also has produced millions of audio and video teachings.

Preaching for God's Glory


Preaching for God's Glory is a Ministry committed to exalting the name of Christ through the proclamation of God's Word. My name is Adam Markley and on this Rumble page you will find the following podcasts: Truth Nuggets: These podcasts are posted each day (M-F) and include sermon clips and devotionals from God's Word. It posts every morning on Youtube and might be delayed on Rumble. Truth Transforms: Truth Transforms comes out at least once a week. It promotes a biblical worldview and deals with discipleship issues. It deals with doctrinal issues, discipleship issues and applies the truth of God's Word to the cultural issues of today. I pray that you are blessed by this online ministry of the Word! In Christ, Adam Markley For more information about Preaching for God's Glory, please visit www.preachingforgodsglory.org

Prophetic News - Prophecy Update - Bible Teaching - Lion's Roar


A Watchman On the Wall - Christians Brace Yourself, Church Awake ! https://endtimeslife.substack.com/welcome we have changed name from Warriors for Christ to Lion's Roar due to our YT being hacked A Timely Word for a Season: Prophecy, Prophecies, Prophetic, Dream, Dreams, Prophetic Dream, Vision, Visions, Prophetic Vision, Prophetic Visions, Prophetic Word, Prophetic Teaching, Prophetic Teachings, Prophecy in the news, prophetic news,

Windvale's Music by the Fiechters


This beautiful music channel features fantasy music, spooky music, magical music, medieval music, study music, and music for writing as well as other music genres. Here's our email if you want to contact us about any business request or anything else. dbfiechter@gmail.com MUSIC IDEAS FOR DIFFERENT DAYS * MYSTERY SUNDAYS - Any genre of music ADVENTURE MONDAYS - Vote on the poll and choose somewhere to explore SEASONAL TUESDAYS - Follow the season. Currently in ❄️ CHAMELEON WEDNESDAYS - Magical, Gothic and Medieval music for now, though it will change. CAMPAIGN THURSDAYS - Go on a campaign for 6-8 weeks FANTASY FRIDAYS - Elves, fairies, and other fantasy creatures. Also includes magical music. SPOOKY SATURDAYS - Dark mystery music, spooky music, and other types of creepy music * Holidays may change the type of music posted #fantasy #dream #music #spooky #magical #relaxing #soothing #writing ~ All the music on this channel is copyrighted by Brandon Fiechter & Derek Fiechter ~

The Chosen Brasil


POR QUE UMA SÉRIE DE TV SOBRE JESUS? Isaías 43:19 diz: "Eis que estou fazendo uma coisa nova..." The Chosen (Os Escolhidos) é uma coisa nova. * Como foi financiado é novo: Somos o projeto de mídia com maior financiamento coletivo de todos os tempos - mais de US$ 10 milhões doados voluntariamente por mais de 19.000 pessoas. * O conteúdo é novo: Somos a primeira de TV multi-temporadas sobre a vida de Cristo. * A maneira de assistir é nova: somos a primeira série a ter o próprio aplicativo que se conecta diretamente aos seus dispositivos de streaming. Nenhuma assinatura necessária. Basta pesquisar "The Chosen" na sua loja de aplicativos, baixar no seu telefone e começar a assistir. * A forma como está chegando ao mundo é nova: o app está disponível em todos os países gratuitamente, mas ao colaborar, você ajuda a garantir o financiamento das próximas temporadas. Assim alcançaremos 1 bilhão de pessoas ao redor do mundo! Bem-vindo a uma coisa nova!



El canal de COORDINA SALUD promueve, apoya y fomenta la difusión y creación de eventos contra una plandemia Eugenésica con precedentes en el NAZISMO. En este caso se asocia a <<UNION PRO SALUD Y DERECHOS >> Y ayuda a una sociedad maltratada por una plandemia eugenésica que sólo persigue unos fines claros contra la sociedad humana. Espacio de exposición y debate abierto donde exponer y expresar libremente todas aquellas cuestiones científicas, sociales y humanas referidas a las necesidades generadas por la crisis sanitaria actual.