Van terugslag tot terugkoms: hoe EazyTradeHub jou besigheid kan help om weer op te staan


Welkom by eazytradehub, jou poort tot sukses in die dinamiese wêreld van besigheid! 🌍 Verken in-diepte insigte wat strek oor besigheidsuitvoer, uitstallings, versending en koerierdienste. Of jy nou 'n B2C-entrepreneur, vervaardiger, pasgemaakte agent of gebeurtenisorganiseerder is, ons kanaal is jou bron vir strategieë en neigings. Sluit by ons aan om die geheime van suksesvolle handel, doeltreffende verskeping en floreer as 'n jobpreneur te ontsluit. Ons inhoud maak voorsiening vir 'n diverse gehoor en bied waardevolle kennis vir handelaars, vervaardigers, vervoerders en almal tussenin. Teken nou in vir 'n magdom inligting om jou besigheidsreis oor verskeie sektore te verhef! 🚀💼🌐

Bee TV with the Naked Bee Keeper


I am an amateur beekeeper who lives in Auckland New Zealand - and I am currently living in Titirangi in the very bushy western suburbs, if you know Titirangi I am just 2mins drive west of the village. Yep we are know as westies cause we are free, easy & laid-back. The Naked Bee Keeper handle refers to me choosing to not wear a bee suit unless absolutely necessary.Most of the bees I have had are just cruisey bees who are happy to let me open their homes, while I have had some super angry and territorial bees who fearlessly defend their territory I will rightly pop a suit on - I am amateur but not too stupid :-) Always this channel is just for fun, Im not expert and there is not really anyone who is a hive expert except the bees themselves. Bees run their societies with incredible precision and absolutely do not require human intervention - and I never do take credit for anything they do, even to the point of when i give honey away... its is always the bees honey, not mine :-)