

This channel focuses on gaming (specifically minecraft) content aimed at a general audience. I build minecraft houses and make minecraft house tutorials along with everything else minecraft. If you want to learn how to build minecraft houses, or like hermitcraft, check out my videos. If you want to learn how to build in minecraft this is the place for you! Safety Disclaimer: I never add viewers on any personal accounts, such as Discord. Please be wary who you add on Discord or other instant messaging programs! Also never comment your personal contact information such as Skype, discord or e-mail address on my videos. Please be safe online! If you think you have me added on skype or another platform IT IS NOT ME. I don't use alt accounts, I only use my main, linked accounts. Instagram:

Angie's DIY Art, Crafts, Home Decor Fails & Successes


I\'ve taken some of the worst times of my life and created some of the best items that I could have the ability to create. My life was torn down in 2013 when I couldn\'t find a position in the healthcare field. I was highly paid, but the roll-out of certain legislation forced the businesses that I worked with had to settle for lower-paying workers. Other events like riots in my neighborhood have forced me indoors and depressed. To fight circumstances, I had to fight back by creating. I can\'t sit still and simmer in depression, I HAD to CREATE! \n\nThis channel will show you my successes, and failures during my journey. I am strong, I am confident, I am making gains every single day and invite you to come one my journey. Let\'s get through this together. \n\n#DIY, Crafting, crafts, diy home decor, positive energy, uplifting, encouraging, depression, mental illness, created for a purpose, laughter, love, victory over depression, life changing mentality, you are beautiful, you are wonderful

Hot Shots Sobrevivência Preparação e Bushcraft


"Nós não sabemos como será o amanhã, mas imaginamos... Prepara-te ! ® " Hot Shots Sobrevivência Preparação e Bushcraft é um projecto criado por Ricardo Marreiros e que visa fomentar nos cidadãos o interesse pela resiliência e independência de cada um no que concerne à sobrevivência, auto-suficiência e à Protecção Civil, bem como o interesse pelas actividades lúdicas de interacção com e exploração da Natureza conhecidas como Bushcraft ou Artes do Mato. Sobrevivência, Preparação e Bushcraft são na verdade actividades distintas, mas cujos caminhos muitas vezes se cruzam e complementam. O lema deste projecto é : “Nós não sabemos como será o amanhã, mas imaginamos. Prepara-te !© De facto, no que toca a ocorrências súbitas ou mais previsíveis, provocadas pela Natureza ou pelo próprio Homem nunca é bom sermos apanhados desprevenidos.