Communist Repression in Cuba


🇨🇺🚨| Our mission is to compile as many cases of human rights violations and police/ state brutality against the Cuban people by the Castro dictatorship since 1959 and thus bring awareness and solidarity to the Cuban people. We want a #FreeCuba | #Cuba #PoliceAbuse #PoliceBrutality #CommunismKills #ElCambioEsYa🌻 Nuestra misión es recopilar casos de violaciones de derechos humanos, represión y violencia policial en Cuba para mostrarle al mundo que nuestro país vive bajo una dictadura brutal de 61 años. Queremos libertad para Cuba y que los opresores vayan a corte y sean juzgados. Tw: @CubaPoliceAbuse IG: @CubaPoliceAbuse FB: CubaPoliceAbuse

Lorena Cox


This channel will facilitate various spiritual trainings for the equipping of the body of Christ. These trainings will help you expand your understanding of hearing God\'s voice for yourself and others, gifts of the spirit, prayer, healing, and more. You will develop your prophetic gift, experience God\'s love, new developments, and blessings as you participate and learn through scripture, exercises, and assignments. Note that this channel will mostly focus on prayer and the prophetic.