King James Bible 1611 Ministries Nederland - KJV NL - Marco Kok


King James Bible 1611 Ministries Nederland is gewijd aan: 1. Het evangelie van de Heer Jezus Christus prediken, te vinden in de pagina’s van de King James Version. (Acts 26:22-29, 1 Corinthians 1:18-21) 2. Bijbelgetrouwe doctrines onderwijzen. (2 Timothy 2:15, 2 Timothy 2:2) 3. Het verdedigen van de perfectie van de King James Bible 1611, God’s Heilig geschreven woord. (Ephesians 6:10-20) 4. Het vertalen van belangrijk Bijbel studie materiaal voor onze Nederlandse broeders en zusters. (2 Timothy 1:8) 5. Het zijn van een medewerker, strijdende de goede strijd van het geloof, en belijdende een goede belijdenis voor vele getuigen. (1 Timothy 6:12)

Jordan McClung Music (New Age Music)


If you want a different take on music. Then you will love the great variety in this epic cinematic music, from action adventure to stress management. Think of it as the soundtrack for your life, with melodic ambient music, whether you're up for excitement, as in my epic chase type music videos, or uplifting background music as you view majestic mountain tops, or just relax with raindrops on a spring day. Enjoy! If you like my music remember to like and share

Cypherpunk'd Clips Verified


Welcome to CypherPunk’d Clips! 🎙️ This is your go-to channel for the best highlights and explosive moments from the CypherPunk’d podcast. Hosted by Matty Ice, we dive deep into the world of privacy, tech, and freedom. From groundbreaking innovations like Bitcoin to the latest in decentralized cryptography, we bring you the most thought-provoking conversations with top experts, activists, and technologists. Whether you're into privacy, crypto, or digital rights, CypherPunk’d Clips delivers quick, impactful insights to keep you informed and inspired. 🔥 Join the digital revolution, one clip at a time.

King James Bible 1611 Ministries Netherlands (English preaching) - KJV1611 - Marco Kok


King James Bible 1611 Ministries Netherlands is dedicated to: 1. Preaching the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Acts 26:22-29, 1 Corinthians 1:18-21) 2. Teaching Bible Faithful Doctrine. (2 Timothy 2:15, 2 Timothy 2:2) 3. Defense of the perfection of the King James Bible, God’s Holy written word. (Ephesians 6:10-20) 4. Translating important Bible study material for our Dutch brothers and sisters. (2 Timothy 1:8) 5. Being a fellowhelper, fighting the good fight of faith, professing a good profession before many witnesses. (1 Timothy 6:12)

The Ring Of Fire


The Ring of Fire started as a weekly syndicated radio show in 2004 for the purpose of exposing Wall Street thugs, environmental criminality, corporate media failure, and political back stories that you will rarely find from any other source. Since its formation, Ring of Fire has expanded into a multi-media outlet for the latest Progressive news, commentary and analysis. Mike Papantonio hosts the weekly America's Lawyer program which appears exclusively on this channel, and Farron Cousins hosts daily segments with political news in addition to the weekly Ring of Fire Podcast.