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#joinus #hatersgonhate #love #share i am an animated customized graphics designer KreativeKreation'zPublishingInc/KkpiKoutureFashionz #bbw #horror #2023 #viral #rumble #youtube #fuckyourfeelings all 2023 - 24 no one has t o accept shyt you do or lifestyle ...what u like isn't u can force on no one ..im tired of excuses to force folk to date bbw like me or trans ...is #assult .. like who in ur box ...period im fat n if i wanna loosr weight im #fatphobic #bytch stfu ...sound stupid.. i neer had an issue getting a man at 20 or flawed #disabled with chrons n botched mesh 42 ys old . get ur own bag men arent ur #atm i worked for my coin i never was a #goldigger n u arent the prize especiall only having used cooch or only fan #h03 u mad oh well #fuckyourfeelings and mine 2 ... stack n stfu

Bongo Tube

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Bongo Tube - A Fun-Filled Channel for Kids Discover the world of endless entertainment with Bongo Tube, a dedicated video channel for kids. Our channel is filled with funny videos that can keep your kids engrossed all day long. Whether it's animated shows or live-action skits, Bongo Tube has it all. Our team of talented creators works tirelessly to produce engaging content that is specially designed to tickle your kids' funny bones. From silly songs to hilarious pranks, Bongo Tube is the perfect place for your little ones to have some fun and laughter. So, come and join us on Bongo Tube, and let's make your kid's childhood full of joy and amusement.