The Shadow Banned


If you stand on the conservative side of the culture war, and you like classic American Rock, Punk, Post-Punk, Garage Rock, New Wave, Americana and Folk, then you might like the noise we make. Our lyrics blend politics, satire, personal testimonies, news headlines, cultural lampooning, comedic true stories and cathartic ranting. We're not you're grandfather's conservative rock band. We're a little different. It's been said that "conservatism is the new punk" and "the new counter-culture." These are counter-culture battles put to song. Cathartic, comedic, poetic and tragic... For AI-free, All American garage rock from a conservative perspective, please support The Shadow Banned by simply subscribing and sharing with friends. We are a group comprised of Gen X-er and Millennial. Like many in Western culture, we too were duped by liberal intellectualism and a progressive culture during our youth. But praise the Lord! We were rescued from the dark side and survived to tell about it! We draw from a varied background of American music that includes the folksier side of 60s Psychedelic Pop, the experimentalism of 70s Hard Rock, the Post-Punk quirkiness of the edgier New Wave bands of the 80s, and an array of 90s Alternative & Indie Rock influences. We like to think we're keeping what's great about those genres, while filtering out all of the Marxist ideology and New Age rhetoric. We replace it with honest-to-God American values, and even some comedy from time to time, to create a different musical vision combined with our own writing style to make something that is hopefully new and exciting to music fans who are bored with modern music, and frustrated by all the progressive propaganda that plagues the songs we used to love. Perhaps you're a fellow former-liberal, who still prefers their music with an artier bend to it, and you just can't really get into Kid Rock. Or maybe you're simply one of many old-time rockers, fellow gen-Xers/ Millennials, or younger Conservative music fans who may have found themselves wondering: What else is there for conservatives to listen to other than Country music, Tom MacDonald and Ted Nugent? We hope to begin filling that void, and to do our part to help win the culture war by building up a new wave of conservative Alternative Rock, made by people who love faith, family, good music & the American spirit. We are The Shadow Banned... Some of our biggest personal musical & lyrical inspirations include folks like Tom Waits, Johnny Cash, Roger Miller, Frank Zappa, The Ramones, Tom Petty, Talking Heads, Weird-Al Yankovic, Steve Miller, Beck, Ween, Midnight Oil, They Might Be Giants, Michael Nesmith, Terry-Scott Taylor (The Swirling Eddies, Daniel Amos, Lost Dogs), and British artists such as The Kinks, Wire, The Fall, Kevin Coyne, The Bonzo Dog Band and XTC. If you like, or at least agree with our vision for a new conservative rock n roll renaissance, please like, subscribe & share! Thank you! Currently, we are offering all of our music for free for the masses. Look for us on ReverbNation for free mp3 downloads. We're also on SoundCloud: FREE MP3 DOWNLOADS on ReverbNation:

GMN Holistic Medicine with Doc RJ and Doc Nan - Tagalog


GMN Holistic Medicine with Doc RJ and Doc Nan - Learn how we can be health with the holistic medicine Doc RJ will teach us how we do it and how we can be healthy always. VISIT US IN FACEBOOK - Hi there, You are invited to Doc RJ Zoom Online Consultations Every MONDAY, 05:00 PM to 07:00 Manila Time Register to join in Doc RJ consultation. Limited Slots only Click the link : After registering, the Zoom Link will show on the next page click it to open the zoom and join the consultation. You will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the consultation meeting. This link will be use in every Online Consultation so Save it. Please Do not share the zoom meeting link to others, it is exclusive for you only! Better share the registration link if you invite other people to consult in Doc RJ. Thanks! GMN Social Network :

Stop Letting Your Past Get in The Way of Your Future Verified


Life After Addiction and Indictment helps those who keep letting their past get in the way of their future reclaim their life through entrepreneurship. Steve knows what It’s like to lose your confidence, have doors slammed in your face and the feeling that you won't ever achieve your dreams of entrepreneurship. Steve has the experience, knowledge and relationships to help you take control of your life and secure your future. After 24 years of "co-existing" in his marriage, Steve knows what it takes to create a happy and fulfilling relationship. Steve celebrated his 32-year anniversary in June 2022. Together they have four boys and one girl, ages 18-30. When he's not working to help others, Steve loves to spend time with his family in Lake Powell, Sunday game night, golfing, traveling, riding motorcycles and snowmobiles with his four boys and creating memories

Banned From YouTube


My experiences from living in Portugal and the Netherlands. I had a long career with 450+ uploads on my Dutch YouTube channel: Rap Lion Of The Jungle I also discuss politics in my raps which was why i got de-platformed from my previous 2 successful YouTube channels. My insta account continues to exist but i cannot enter it. I differentiate myself from the music scene and other rap artists by covering these topics because this genre was once a voice for the rebels whereas now it has become a transmitter of the mainstream media narrative. I also do event videos and travel vlogs (see TravelandEvents) with my music. You can also find me on BitChute @RAPLIONJAYLION If you like my work please consider donating to my Paypal

Risonanza Schumann


AV 23-06-2023-LA RISONANZA SCHUMANN . 🛸🛸 La risonanza Schumann viene spiegata nelle trasmissioni dei Pleiadiani Schumann. Saranno riposate quindi tutte le trasmissioni inerenti all'Evento , si prega di ascoltare i messaggi se volete capire di più cosa e successo nel periodo 2018-2023 Nella fase di ascensione infatti la frequenza di Schumann incomincio a raggiungere picchi di 40-100 hz fino a raggiungere -158 HZ , il 6 Dicembre 2019 , Arrivati quindi a tale frequenza , l'oscurità mette in moto un piano , abbassare di nuovo la frequenza rimodulando il DNA attraverso la corona ad uno stato delta , ovvero 7,5 max hz . Lo hanno fatto attraverso le trasmissioni di paura per tv radio supermercati , infatti la gente si ammalava per credenza che fuori c'era qualcosa di brutto, di conseguenza e avvenuta una battaglia , hanno provato a privarci delle nostre cose , L'AMORE per esempio , dovevamo stare distanti bucarci imbavagliarci perché cerano semi stellari incarnati con un DNA che risuonava più alto e quindi stato asceso (scacco matto), infatti in mezzo a questa battaglia la risonanza non superava più picchi alti la gente aveva paura ,(meta 2020 calo) erano entrati anche incontraddizione con il mio canale , mi dicevano se fuori ce morte i messaggi non sono veri , hanno interrotto cosi ascensione 4 anni fa , ma noi semi stellari galattici non abbiamo rinunciato al grande tesoro siamo andati avanti a combattere e infatti noi stavamo bene fuori il cielo faceva uscire il sole e d'eravamo assenti da programmazioni , fino ad OGGI , si potete vedere quelle onde speciali nel grafico oggi come sintomo di un cambio DNA da carbonio a cristallino , 2023 la carta verde come tutto il male e stato abolito , credetemi adesso CREDILO !!!!! BENVENUTI IN 5D ABBIAMO STRAVINTO , CI SIAMO LAUREATI IN MATERIA E IN AMORE . GRAZIE UNO ! DOVE ANDIAMO 1 ANDIAMO TUTTI🤩🎁🛸🛸🎁🛸🛸🎁🎁🛸🎁🎁🎁🛸🎁🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸 PS ci tengo infinitamente che tutto il mio lavoro svolto dal 2018 e on line , NON DOVETE PRIVARVI DI QUELLO CHE NON SAPETE QUINDI E GIUSTO CHE IL MIO LAVORO SIA CON VOI , Purtroppo youtube non ha amato il mio lavoro nonostante il canale piaceva alla gente e mi a sfrattato di casa 4 volte , oggi e per questo che non creo un altro canale sul tubo MA HO LA FORTUNA DI RIPRESENTARVI TUTTO IN UN ALTRO SPAZIO ----- CANALE Risonanze Schumann FASE DI ASCENSIONE IN VIDEO (RIMOSSI) E MESSA INSIEME DEL PAZEL VI AMO ! BUON LAVORO ANCORA UNA COSA NOI DICEVAMO CHE STAVA ACCADENDO QUALCOSA DI MAESTOSO , GLI OSCURI INVECE FACEVANO IL CONTRARIO , NOI INTENDO COME TRASMISSIONI SOTTO LA GUIDA DEL COMANDANTE ASTHAR E I PLEIADIANI , NON MI STO INVENTANDO NULLA , ANCHE ADESSO CHE SCRIVO ANCHE SE CON ERRORI ....MA HO FRETTA DI RIFARVI ASCOLTARE TUTTO CAPITE ....MI AUGURO DI SI QUINDI RIMANETE COLLEGATI NELLA PAGINA VISTO CHE NON AVETE LE NOTIFICHE DI RUMBLE , QUALSIASI COSA SONO QUI MA SE QUI MI SFRATTANO SONO SU RUMBLE SICURO LI RIMANE TUTTO ... A BRACCIA APERTE CI HANNO ACCOLTO... ANCHE ATON 🤩 COMANDANTE CAPO DIETRO A TUTTO , SEMPRE SOTTO LE SUE ALI ... SALUUUU ----- 169343 SIGNIFICA AMORE LIQUIDO . AMOREVOLE CONCENTRATO CALMO CENTRATO AL MEGLIO CHE POSSIAMO , SEMPRE NEL POSTO GIUSTO AL MOMENTO GIUSTO !

World Of Conan


Welcome to World of Conan! My channel is here to focus on all things Conan! and other things written by Robert E. Howard aswell as H.P. Lovecraft eventually, maybe. Here i will do reviews on books, comics and films aswell as news and tell about things pertaining to this world. As a longtime fan of Conan im now delving deeper into the writings of Howard and collecting more of Conan related stuff and going on a little journey into this in good fun. I hope you come along and remember this is not meant to be a super serious channel with analyzing and all that more of a fun ride into all this. I will also do videos on other topics maybe. Thank you and i hope you subscribe!