LaViaDellAnima (The Soul's Way)


Marco Missinato is a Creative Communicator who uses the power of his heart inspired creativity (Music, Words and Photography) to deliver supportive messages to people and to inspire others to dare into the voice of their heart, overcome the fears of limited beliefs and consequences, and, most importantly, to produce creative experiences that facilitate the release of blocked emotions within the human vessel. In Marco’s words: As we deepen into the experience of our Earthy Journey we become more and more aware of LIFE and our SELF. Our level of Appreciation increases, our Heart opens and we access more the Wisdom and the infinite Creative field of Source (Ourself from a non-physical higher level of appreciation). As we align with our true purpose and raise our level of Integrity we become more incorruptible, the products of our being/doing become more impactful and more LIFE’s supportive. As We Walk the Path we eventually find out that WE ARE the Path.



Brice Davis | BriceDavisMedia | Content Creator & YouTuber featuring Hip Hop & Urban culture News, Reactions, and Commentary. Host of the "Straight From Da Chair" Podcast. Requests for Inquires, Placements, Takedowns, Questions etc. Please feel free to contact me at YouTube: https// Twitter: TikTok: Instagram: Facebook: Spotify: Website:

Отвъд Заглавията


Отвъд Заглавията е независим информационен и аналитичен източник, ръководен от българската будителка, общественик, журналист и професор по ядрена физика Магдалена Ташева. Истинска и задълбочена журналистика, неподвластна на политическа коректност и грантови зависимости. Емоционална принадлежност: - В услуга на Българския Народ и Българския Национален Интерес. Мотив: Хладнокръвната и рационална реализация на Българския Национален Интерес. Каналът е изцяло финансиран от Българския Народ и съществува единствено в негова услуга.