Frosty Garden


We are about cold climate gardening, growing from seed, off-grid gardening, subarctic growing, family scale food production, self-sustenance, community gardening, food preservation and sometimes just general northern living! We have been operating the subarctic gardening focused website,, since 2015. Our efforts generally aim to help people become better cold climate growers using our experiential information, guides and topic focused articles. That said, we are pretty new to film making, telling stories over video and producing/editing video content. We still have a lot to learn on that front, but the best way to learn something new is to do it! Thank you for visiting our channel, we hope you find some things you like. If we've earned it, we'd love for you to subscribe. We are a small channel with a small potential audience, so each and every sub counts for us. If you want to know more about us, please visit us at!

Garden Faerie Botanicals


Follow a budding seed company as we break ground and start to grow! Garden Faerie Botanicals is a dream that had been put on hold for over a decade. It is a continuation of my last seed company called Goddess Grown Heirlooms. After the farm sold in Ontario, it was a struggle to find suitable land. Since 2022, I have been breaking ground for 2 separate gardens and learning how to live off grid. Join me on my adventures in the garden as I save rare and endangered seeds.