Search and Rescue w/ Scott Robb


There’s only one group of people that can save our country from itself. 1st responders in fire, police and military, both active and retired, are the truly selfless servants we need leading in our communities. For those folks, we’ve created the Search and Rescue Podcast as your ultimate resource. Whether its professional development, peer-led support services, or ways to keep serving beyond retirement, we need you with us in this fight. Join us. Work to be the best version of yourself, and together we can restore our great nation’s values one neighborhood at a time. Welcome to Search and Rescue



English Information/ Información Español, el Canal España/Gibraltar This Channel focuses on life, travel and culture around Spain and Gibraltar. We document Spain from food to gardening, regions and cultures & daily life in La Linea, the border town with Gibraltar. For Gibraltar we highlight some of the great tourist locations you can check out while visiting. We focus on the rich history of both Spain and Gibraltar and unique relationship between these two countries here in the southern region of Spain. Este Canal se centra en la vida, los viajes y la cultura en España y Gibraltar. Cubrimos todo sobre España, desde comida hasta jardinería, regiones y culturas y la vida cotidiana en La Línea de La Concepción, la ciudad fronteriza con Gibraltar. Para Gibraltar, destacamos algunos de los grandes lugares turísticos que puede visitar mientras visita Gibraltar y el sur de España. Nos centramos en la rica historia de España y Gibraltar y la relación única entre estos dos países.