Guide for Astrology, Health & Human Design


Aloha! Here be videos that I have created when feeling inspired by my work and passion: living life and learning the grand music of the luminary bodies that we call astrology and, more recently, Human Design and the Gene Keys. I also enjoy sharing various points of view and exploring different perspectives to more thoroughly explore life and all its facets. For more information, or if you would like to book a session, please feel free to reach out to me, Chloe, directly at or at Consultations are $145 for 60+ minutes. More information can be found at my website: Donations are always welcome and help to fund the production of free content: Paypal: Venmo & Cash App: @TheChloeBear

Natural Law Human Consciousness and Mind Control


Truth is objective, singular and eternal; it has always been and will always be. This document is drawn from decades of research and publicly available sources rather than personal opinions. This book is about developing the ability to tell the truth from falsehood and recognise causal factors, i.e., the causes for the effects we experience in manifested reality. To end suffering, one must awaken to the objective truth of how things are beyond the mind-control. The problem is not outside oneself; however, the tendency is to blame others, the occultists, the government, etc. Suffering, is due, to not knowing about and therefore living out of accordance with Natural Law, not standing up for what is right and moral, not understanding one’s sovereignty, and not respecting the sovereignty of others.

The Bear's View


While I was running, a strong feeling came over me to proclaim my true faith in our living, loving God. At around 6:00 am each day, I will profess to the world my faith in God & Jesus , share a funny anecdote (or 2, or 3) about my life and my dog, and say the Lords Prayer. We will see where this goes. I really have a passion for helping the Homeless. See...The Bear (that is me) was "unhomed" in 2019. That is when I thought of starting Humans4HelpingHumans. My dream is: To go to just one city (big or small), and make sure everyone eats for just one day. Then figure out how I can repeat that the next day. Baby steps. Actually, I have a bunch of great ideas. There is no reason that anyone should be without food. So that is it in a nutshell. God loves you unconditionally (and so does your dog, which is God backwards - coincidence? - Hmmm) Have a blessed day!

Teachings and Prayers for Healing from SRA, MKultra, Human Trafficking


Reverend Rachel is a fierce prayer warrior against the injustices in our society and the agendas of human trafficking, satanic ritual abuse, and religion covering it up. She is a survivor of the Mormon occult, MKultra, satanic ritual abuse, and childhood sexual trafficking. She survived religious persecution and abuse amongst her journey seeking healing with Jesus. She is ordained and has an apostolic covering that sent her to Phoenix on the Lord’s assignment. She pleads and preaches for the church to return to her first love, and repent to receive Grace, that Grace can then be extended to our neighbors.

The Human Spirit Experiment Verified


Welcome to the "Alpough Show-The Human Spirit Experiment. This channel is devoted to finding our way together. We address all the toughest subjects out there and find a way to get you information, completely unbiased. We address both sides of the topic, so we can make the best decisions in our lives. TAKE THE BEST AND LEAVE THE REST. We are all deeply connected whether we believe or not. From the depths of the oceans to the top of the sky. Technology is unlimited and is in constant motion, bombarding us 24 hours a day with information that is completely biased. "Alpough Show" breaks down this information so you can be AN ADULT OF YOUR MIND and AN ADULT OF YOUR THOUGHT. WE ARE WHAT WE THINK ABOUT. Take the time daily to watch the "Alpough Show" and SLOW DOWN TO SPEED UP. You'll be glad you did and you'll also be entertained at the same time. LIFE, LOVE and LAUGHTER is our goal. LIFE IS HARD, LOVE IS REAL and LAUGHTER BEGINS WISDOM IN OUR SPIRIT. So join me daily. TY!

Being Human Now


Welcome Tribe! On this channel we explore what it really means to be a human being. What are we really meant to be doing in this realm? We explore natural healing, hidden history, occult knowledge, the supernatural, and new ways of living. We are meant to be more than we've been told and we know it! "I am just a human being trying to make it in a world that is rapidly losing its understanding of being human." ~John Trudell "The human heart, as of course we all know, is essentially good. But between governments, false gods, striving for survival, the heart gets mixed up with the head and the feet and the elbows and the intestine. And the peace and the madness. And the heart gets strangled out a bit. It's a good organ and there is complete hope for humanity if it ever gets a little bit straight. It's all there, it's totally there, there is total hope of goodness forever. But we got lost somewhere. How we can ever straighten that out, I don't know." ~Charles Bukowski